Kansas Geological Survey, Current Research in Earth Sciences, Bulletin 258, part 1
Prev Page--Results and Discussion
The analysis carried out in this report leads to the following conclusions:
Adopting such reduced-N application measures would definitely reduce the size of residual nitrate stored in the thick vadose zone in the area and slow down its downward migration. Combining such measures with a crop rotation that includes alfalfa should further reduce the amounts of residual nitrate in the soil.
This study was funded by the U.S. Geological Survey through the Kansas Water Resources Institute. Numerous people and agencies assisted us during the conduct of this study: Dr. Jay Jabro, research soil scientist with USDA-ARS Sidney, Montana, and Dr. Saseendran Anapalli, crop scientist with USDA-ARS, Fort Collins, Colorado, provided detailed and constructive comments that helped to improve this manuscript. Dr. L. R. Ahuja, Research Leader, Agricultural Systems Research Unit, USDA-ARS, Fort Collins, Colorado, provided useful comments on an earlier version of this manuscript and shared his insights on macropore flow. Kansas NRCS personnel J. Warner, S. Graber, R. Still, T. Cochran, and C. Watts assisted us with field characterization and soil-property lab analyses through the National Soils Laboratory in Lincoln, Nebraska. NRCS Soil Mechanics Laboratory in Lincoln, Nebraska, performed saturated hydraulic conductivity and related analyses. Dr. T. Willson and other personnel from the Garden City Experiment Station, Kansas State University, assisted us with neutron-probe readings and related analyses. D. Schuette of Servi-Tech assisted us with coring, sampling, and dye-tracer experiments. W. McCall of Geoprobe Systems assisted us with the Geoprobe equipment during field-site installations. The farmer-operator of the field sites C. Nicholson and his office personnel assisted us with land-use information and access to the sites. K. Rojas of NRCS at Fort Collins, Colorado, assisted us with the RZWQM. Numerous other personnel from OMI and KGS assisted us at different stages of this project. Finally, our KGS colleagues Jim Butler, Marla Adkins-Heljeson, and Mark Schoneweis provided useful review comments, edited the manuscript, and perfected the figures, respectively.
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RZWQM2 sensitivity graphs for soil hydraulic parameters (fig. A1), macropore properties (fig. A2), organic pools (fig. A3), and corn (CERES-Maize) parameters (fig. A4).
Figure A1--Sensitivity of simulated soil-water content to various soil hydraulic parameters compared to a calibrated base case for a randomly selected depth (36 cm) as a function of time. The indicated parameters were perturbed by ±20% from those of the base case.
Figure A2--Sensitivity of simulated nitrate-N (NO3-N) concentrations to various macropore parameters for a randomly selected depth (50 cm) as a function of time.
Figure A3--Sensitivity of simulated nitrate-N (NO3-N) concentrations to various organic pools in model layers 1 through 5 for a randomly selected depth (50 cm) as a function of time.
Figure A4--Sensitivity of simulated nitrate-N (NO3-N) concentrations to various CERES-Maize parameters (see table 4) for a randomly selected depth (50 cm) as a function of time.
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Kansas Geological Survey
Placed online Feb. 12, 2010