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Geohydrology of Cloud County

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Logs of Test Holes

The logs of 76 test holes drilled or jetted in Cloud County by the Federal and State Geological Surveys are given on the following pages. Of these, 44 logs were prepared by the authors from field study of the cuttings in 1954; 24 were prepared by V. C. Fishel from field and laboratory study in 1943; and 8 were prepared by the driller jetting the test holes in 1950. Also included are logs of 5 test holes drilled by the Air Made Well Company, 2 drilled by Layne-Western Company, and 1 drilled by the Bureau of Reclamation in 1941.

4-4-33dc--Sample log of test hole in SW SE sec. 33, T. 4 S., R. 4 W., 0.3 mile west of section line and 7 feet north of center of road. Surface altitude, 1,397.0 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan Stage--Terrace deposits
Silt, soft, yellow gray and black; contains some sand 3 3
Clay, compact, dark and light gray; contains some sand 7 10
Sand, coarse to fine; contains some fine gravel 5 15
Gravel, medium to fine; contains some coarse to fine sand and caliche nodules 5 20
Gravel, arkosic; contains some fine sand 44 64
Kansan Stage
Silt, clayey, buff; contains some caliche 6 70
Silt, clayey, buff; contains much caliche 30 100
Silt, soft, gray green; contains fine sand 10 110
Silt, soft, carbonaceous, gray brown; contains fine sand 5 115
Gravel, limestone pebbles, coarse to fine 9 124
Dakota Formation
Clay, gray, pink, and yellow; contains fine sand and some pyrite and lignite 6 130

5-1-11bbd--Drillers log of test hole in SE NW NW sec. 11, T. 5 S., R. 1 W. Drilled September 1955 by H. Thoman. Surface altitude, 1,348.1 feet; depth to water, 40.00 feet. Thickness,
Illinoian Stage--Crete and Loveland Formations
Silt and clay 52 52
Sand and gravel 15 67
Dakota Formation
Clay 4 71
Sandstone 12 83
Shale, clayey 10 93
Shale and sandstone interbedded 92 185

5-1-11cc--Sample log of test hole in SW cor. sec. 11, T. 5 S., R. 1 W., on north edge of road about 50 feet east of road intersection. Drilled June 17, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,334.0 feet; depth to water, 35.60 feet, June 25, 1954. Thickness,
Illinoian Stage--Crete and Loveland Formations
Silt, black 2 2
Clay, sandy, tan to gray 3 5
Clay, sandy, red brown 10 15
Clay, sandy and silty, tan to brown 15 30
Gravel, chiefly limestone and sandstone, fine to medium; contains some clay 4 34
Clay, sandy, tan to brown 6 40
Clay, very sandy, red brown, interbedded with fine to medium sand, and some ironstone gravel 16 56
Clay, sandy, light gray to white; contains a few thin sand stringers 24 80
Dakota Formation
Clay, tan and blue gray 6 86

5-1-22dd--Sample log of test hole in SE SE sec. 22, T. 5 S., R. 1 W., on north edge of road, 875 feet west of road intersection. Drilled June 16, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,334.0 feet; depth to water, 35.80 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan Stage--Peoria Formation
Clay and silt, black 2 2
Clay and silt, greenish tan 3.5 5.5
Clay and silt, greenish tan, mottled with brown 7.5 13
Illinoian Stage--Crete and Loveland Formations
Silt, blocky, dark brown to black, (Sangamon soil) 2 15
Silt, clayey, sandy, red tan 7 22
Sand, fine; contains some clay 1 23
Silt and clay, sandy, red tan 15 38
Sand, fine, and red-tan clay 3 41
Clay, blue gray; contains many shell fragments 20 61
Sand, fine; contains many shell fragments 16 77
Sand, fine to medium, tan 3 80
Dakota Formation
Clay, tan to gray 3 83

5-1-26cb--Sample log of test hole in NW cor. SW,14 sec. 26, T. 5 S., R. 1 W., 100 feet east of Kansas Highway 9, on south side of first street north of Republican River bridge in Clyde. Drilled June 16 1954. Surface altitude, 1,279.4 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan Stage--Terrace deposits
Silt, black 2 2
Sand, fine 9 11
Sand, medium to coarse, and fine to medium arkosic gravel 9 20
Gravel, fine to medium, and coarse arkosic sand 8 28
Illinoian Stage--Crete and Loveland Formations
Clay, tan and gray 17 45
Dakota Formation
Clay, sandy, blue gray; contains some lignite and brown sandstone 15 60

5-1-34aa--Sample log of test hole in NE NE sec. 34, T. 5 S., R. 1 W., 2 feet south of center of road and 12 feet west of stop sign. Surface altitude, 1,286.0 feet. Thickness,
Road fill 3 3
Recent Stage--Alluvium
Silt, soft, gray; contains much sand and many caliche nodules 4 7
Gravel, fine, and coarse to fine sand 3 10
Gravel, medium to fine, and coarse to fine sand 13 23
Clay, blue gray; contains fine sand .5 23.5
Gravel and sand, coarse to fine, green 6.5 30
Gravel, medium to fine, and coarse to fine sand 10 40
Gravel, coarse to fine, and coarse to medium sand 10 50
Gravel (arkosic), fine, and coarse sand 13 63
Kansan Stage
Silt, soft, buff; grading downward to gray, sandy 7 70
Silt, soft, buff; contains pebbles of limestone and sandstone 20 90
Silt, clayey, dark gray 5 95
Dakota Formation
Sandstone, soft, white; contains some pyrite 5 100

5-1-35bc--Sample log of test hole in SW NW sec. 35, T. 5 S., R. 1 W., 0.45 mile south of section line and 9 feet east of center of road. Surface altitude, 1,281.0 feet. Thickness,
Road fill 2 2
Recent Stage--Alluvium
Silt, soft, light yellow gray; contains sand 6 8
Gravel and sand, coarse to fine, green 22 30
Gravel, medium to fine, and coarse to fine sand 10 40
Gravel, fine, and coarse to fine sand 10 50
Gravel and sand, coarse to fine, brown and green 10 60
Gravel, arkosic, fine, and coarse to fine brown sand 6 66
Kansan Stage
Silt, soft, buff; contains some sand 2 68
Silt, clayey, gray; contains some sand 10 78
Gravel, limestone and sandstone pebbles, medium to fine 2.5 80.5
Silt, clayey, gray 2.5 83
Dakota Formation
Sandstone, soft, white; contains pyrite 17 100

5-2-19cb--Sample log of test hole in NW SW sec. 19, T. 5 S., R. 2 W., 0.6 mile south of section line and 30 feet south of curve in road to gravel pit. Thickness,
Road fill 1 1
Recent Stage--Alluvium
Silt, dark and light gray; contains fine sand 6 7
Gravel, medium to fine, and coarse to medium sand 3 10
Gravel, medium to fine, and coarse to fine silty sand 20 30
Gravel, fine, and coarse to fine brown sand 10 40
Gravel, medium to fine, and coarse to fine brown sand 31 71
Dakota Formation
Clay, sandy, gray, yellow, and pink 4 75

5-2-26aad--Sample log of test hole in SE NE NE sec. 26, T. 5 S., R. 2 W., 0.25 mile south of section line and 33 feet west of center of road. Thickness,
Recent Stage--Alluvium
Soil, gray black; contains fine sand 3 3
Silt, yellow gray; contains fine sand 6.5 6.5
Silt, sandy, gray black .5 7
Silt, soft, yellow gray, and fine to medium sand 9.5 16.5
Gravel, fine, and coarse to fine sand 8.5 25
Gravel, medium to fine, coarse to fine sand, and soft gray silt 15 40
Gravel and sand, coarse to fine 10 50
Gravel, medium to fine, and coarse to fine sand 10 60
Gravel, medium to fine, coarse to fine sand, and soft gray silt 10 70
Gravel, medium to fine, and coarse to fine sand 9 79
Silt, soft, buff 4 83
Silt, soft, gray and black; contains fine sand 3 86
Gravel, limestone pebbles, coarse to fine, and coarse to medium sand 11.5 97.5
Dakota Formation
Clay, light gray; contains some sand and sandstone 12.5 110

5-2-28cb--Sample log of test hole in NW SW sec. 28, T. 5 S., R. 2 W., 0.55 mile south of section line and 9 feet east of center of road. Thickness,
Recent Stage--Alluvium
Soil, silty, dark gray; contains some sand 3 3
Silt, clayey, yellow gray; contains some sand 2 5
Sand, coarse to fine; contains some fine gravel 5 10
Gravel, medium to fine, and coarse to fine sand 10 20
Gravel and sand, coarse to fine 10 30
Gravel, medium to fine, and coarse to fine sand 10 40
Gravel and sand, coarse to fine 10 50
Gravel, medium to fine, and coarse to fine sand 6.5 56.5
Silt, soft, light green; contains some fine sand .5 57
Gravel, arkosic, and coarse to fine sand 8 65
Kansan Stage
Silt, soft, buff and green 3 68
Gravel, limestone and sandstone pebbles, coarse to fine 4 72
Silt, soft, buff; contains very fine sand 3 75
Gravel, limestone and sandstone pebbles, coarse to fine 4 79
Silt, soft, buff and blue gray; contains fine sand 10 89
Dakota Formation
Clay, gray and gray white; contains sand and soft light-gray sandstone 17 106

5-2-30bcc--Sample log of test hole in SW cor. NW sec. 30, T. 5 S., R. 2 W., 15 feet east of center of road, 100 feet north of railroad track. Drilled June 11, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,326.7 feet; depth to water, 8.00 feet. Thickness,
Recent Stage--Alluvium
Silt, sandy, brown 8 8
Sand, medium to fine; contains some coarse gravel 8 16
Sand, coarse to fine; contains some coarse gravel 8 24
Sand, fine to coarse, arkosic 6 30
Gravel, fine to medium, and fine to coarse sand 18 48
Sand, medium to coarse, arkosic 6 54
Sand, coarse, and fine to medium arkosic gravel 6 60
Kansan Stage
Gravel, limestone and sandstone pebbles, fine to medium 6 66
Gravel, limestone and sandstone pebbles, fine to medium; contains some light-gray clay 9 75
Clay, light blue gray 5 80
Dakota Formation
Sandstone and ironstone, hard, brown 16 96

5-3-6cc--Sample log of test hole in SW cor. sec. 6, T. 5 S., R. 3 W., on east side of road, 50 feet north of road intersection. Drilled June 10, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,407.4 feet; depth to water, 43.50 feet June 14, 1954. Thickness,
Illinoian Stage--Crete and Loveland Formations
Silt, black 2 2
Silt and clay, tan 3 5
Silt, tan 6 11
Silt and clay, blocky, greenish gray 8 19
Silt and clay, blocky, greenish gray; contains some ironstone gravel 9 28
Silt, sandy, tan 10 38
Silt, very sandy, red brown 6 44
Gravel, chiefly ironstone, fine; contains some sand and clay 4 48
Dakota Formation
Sandstone and light-tan clay 12 60

5-3-8aa--Sample log of test hole near NE cor. sec. 8, T. 5 S., R. 3 W., on north edge of school yard 20 feet north of NW corner of school house. Drilled June 10, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,423.4 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan Stage--Peoria Formation
Silt, black 2 2
Silt, greenish tan; contains some caliche 7 9
Illinoian Stage--Crete and Loveland Formations
Silt, black; drilled harder (Sangamon soil) 2 11
Silt, sandy, tan to buff 46 57
Gravel, sandstone and ironstone pebbles, fine to medium 3 60
Dakota Formation
Clay, bright yellow 2 62
Clay, blue gray 6 68
Sandstone, tan to brown 2 70

5-3-15ab--Sample log of test hole in NW NE sec. 15, T. 5 S., R. 3 W., 600 feet south of NW corner of NE34. Drilled September 27, 1955. Surface altitude, 1,428.6 feet. Thickness,
Illinoian Stage--Crete and Loveland Formations
Silt, sandy, gray 3 3
Silt, light brown 11 14
Clay, brown 4 18
Silt, sandy, buff 19 37
Dakota Formation
Sandstone, fine; contains limonite streaks 57 94
Clay, gray to yellow 2 96
Sandstone, yellow and gray; contains some clay streaks 29 125
Clay, dark gray 3 128
Sandstone, iron-cemented, yellow 4 132
Clay, red and gray; contains several thin streaks of lignite and sandstone 58 190
Sandstone, limy, white 10 200
Clay, pink and gray; contains a lignite streak at 246 1/2 feet 94 294
Sandstone; contains pyrite 16 310
Clay, gray; contains thin sandstone streaks 20 330
Sandstone, gray; contains some clay; drilled hard 40 370
Wellington Formation
Shale, hard, blue gray 12 382
Limestone, very hard, white 2 384

5-3-15bdd--Drillers log of test hole in SE SE NW sec. 15, T. 5 S., R. 3 W., 2,880 feet north and 2,140 feet east of SW cor. of section. Drilled by Air Made Well Company. Surface altitude, 1,413.3 feet. Thickness,
Clay, yellow 11 11
Clay, brown 8.5 19.5
Clay, dark blue 9.5 29
Clay, yellow; contains white streaks of "soapstone" 23.5 52.5
Sand, very fine 0.5 53
Clay, hard, blue 3 56
Sand, fine, tight 13 69
Shale, blue 3 72

5-3-15cd--Drillers log of test hole in SE SW sec. 15, T. 5 S., R. 3 W., 200 feet north and 2,140 feet east of SW cor. of section. Drilled by Air Made Well Company. Surface altitude, 1,372.3 feet. Thickness,
Clay, sandy, yellow 9 9
Clay, light 5 14
Sand, fine 3 17
Clay, hard, light 1 18
Sand, very fine 10 28
Clay, hard, light 0.5 28.5
Sand rock 7.3 35.8

5-3-15dbd--Drillers log of test hole in SE NW SE sec. 15, T. 5 S., R. 3 W., 1,350 feet north and 3,560 feet east of SW cor. of section. Drilled by Air Made Well Company. Surface altitude, 1,387.9 feet. Thickness,
Soil 35 35
Rock 5 40

5-3-16bb--Sample log of test hole in NW NW sec. 16, T. 5 S., R. 3 W., 0.15 mile south of crossroad. Surface altitude, 1,411.3 feet. Thickness,
Road fill .5 .5
Illinoian Stage--Crete and Loveland Formations
Soil, silty, brown .5 1
Silt, tan and gray 62 63
Dakota Formation
Clay and fragments of yellow-buff siltstone 4 67
Clay, light gray; contains some limonite 3 70

5-3-16cb--Sample log of test hole in NW SW sec. 16, T. 5 S., R. 3 W., 0.35 mile north of SW cor. of section. Surface altitude, 1,382.2 feet. Thickness,
Road fill .5 .5
Wisconsinan Stage--Terrace deposits
Soil, silty 4.5 5
Silt, tan and brown 25 30
Clay, sandy; contains some gravel 13 43
Gravel, medium, and coarse brown sand 16 59
Dakota Formation
Clay, mottled red, gray, and yellow 6 65

5-3-17aa--Sample log of test hole near NE cor. sec. 17, T. 5 S., R. 3 W., on south side of road, 300 feet west of section corner. Drilled June 10, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,410.9 feet; depth to water, 53-70 feet June 14, 1954. Thickness,
Wisconsinan Stage--Peoria Formation
Silt, black 2 2
Silt, greenish gray 6 8
Illinoian Stage--Crete and Loveland Formations
Silt, blocky, black (Sangamon soil) 2 10
Silt and clay, red brown 10 20
Silt and clay, buff to tan 26 46
Dakota Formation
Sandstone, red and tan 14 60
Clay, light gray; contains some sandstone in lower part 10 70

5-3-18bbb--Sample log of test hole in NW cor. sec. 18, T. 5 S., R. 8 W., on south side of road about 150 feet east of section corner. Drilled June 9, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,406.6 feet; depth to water, 51.10 feet June 14, 1954. Thickness,
Illinoian Stage--Crete and Loveland Formations
Soil, dark brown 1 1
Clay, silty, yellow to gray 2 3
Clay, yellow to gray 5 8
Clay, silty; contains some fine sand 9 17
Clay, light tan 8 25
Clay, tan; contains some very fine sand 13 38
Sand, very fine, tan 3 41
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine to medium gravel 6 47
Sand, medium to coarse, and fine to coarse gravel 11 58
Clay, light brown, slightly sandy at base 11.5 69.5
Gravel, limestone pebbles, fine to coarse 7.5 77
Clay, silty, light tan 18 95
Clay, gray; contains some very fine sand 3 98
Gravel, limestone and sandstone pebbles, fine to coarse 4 102
Dakota Formation
Sandstone, fine grained, very hard; contains a few thin stringers of red clay 8 110

5-3-18cc--Sample log of test hole in SW cor. sec. 18, T. 5 S., R. 3 W., in center of triangle at road intersection. Drilled June 4, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,372.8 feet; depth to water, 20.20 feet June 8, 1954. Thickness,
Wisconsinan Stage--Terrace deposits
Silt and very fine sand 6 6
Clay, silty, tan 5 11
Silt, clayey, soft, tan to gray 8 19
Sand, very fine to medium 8 27
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine to medium arkosic gravel 63 90
Kansan Stage
Sand and gravel, fine to coarse; contains some limestone and sandstone pebbles 6 96
Clay, sandy, blue gray 11 107
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine to medium gravel; contains many limestone and sandstone pebbles 16 123
Dakota Formation
Sandstone, fine grained, white; contains much pyrite 17 140

5-3-19bb--Drillers log of jetted test hole in NW NW sec. 19, T. 5 S., R. 3 W. Surface altitude, 1,375.0 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan Stage--Terrace deposits
Top soil 2 2
Clay, silty 19 21
Sand, medium to coarse, silty 18 39

5-3-19cb--Sample log of test hole near NW cor. SW sec. 19, T. 5 S., R. 3 W., on east side of road where road ends, 15 feet south of gate into field. Drilled June 7, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,361.9 feet; depth to water, 10.30 feet June 9, 1954. Thickness,
Recent Stage--Alluvium
Silt, very sandy, light tan 2.5 2.5
Sand, fine to very fine 7.5 10
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine to medium arkosic gravel 30 40
Sand, medium to coarse, and fine to medium arkosic gravel 10 50
Sand, medium to coarse, and fine arkosic gravel 28 78
Sand, medium to coarse; contains some arkosic gravel and clay 2 80
Kansan Stage
Clay, sandy, soft 5 85

5-3-19dd--Sample log of test hole in SE cor. sec. 19, T. 5 S., R. 3 W., 5 feet north and 30 feet west of center of T road intersection. Thickness,
Road fill 2 2
Recent Stage--Alluvium
Silt, soft, gray white; contains fine sand and caliche 5 7
Gravel, medium to fine, coarse to fine sand, and greenish-gray silt 10 17
Clay, silty, greenish gray .5 17.5
Gravel and sand, coarse to fine; contains some greenish-gray silt 12.5 30
Gravel and sand, coarse to fine 13 43
Silt, soft, gray white; contains much coarse to medium sand 3 46
Gravel and sand, coarse to fine 4 50
Gravel, fine to medium, and coarse sand 12 62
Dakota Formation
Sandstone, medium, soft, yellow brown 6 68
Clay, gray 2 70
Clay, silty, light gray; contains some fine sand 8 78
Coal, lignitic, and dark-gray sandy clay 2 80
Clay, dark gray, medium to fine sand, and sandstone, 10 90

5-3-20aa--Sample log of test hole in NE cor. sec. 20, T. 5 S., R. 3 W., 78 feet south and 7 feet west of crossroad. Surface altitude, 1,368.1 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan Stage--Terrace deposits
Soil, silty, black and brown 2 2
Silt, tan and brown 20 22
Sand, medium; contains some brown gravel 8 30
Gravel, fine, and coarse brown sand 10 40
Gravel, medium, and coarse brown sand 10 50
Sand, coarse, and fine brown gravel 40 90
Kansan Stage
Sand, coarse, and fine gravel; contains some yellow-brown clay 3 93
Gravel, limestone and sandstone pebbles, medium, coarse sand, and yellow clay 7 100
Dakota Formation
Clay, very fine, sandy, yellow 10 110

5-3-20bcc--Sample log of test hole in SW cor. NW,4 sec. 20, T. 5 S., R. 3 W. Thickness,
Recent Stage--Alluvium
Soil, sandy, gray black 3 3
Silt, clayey, gray 4 7
Silt, soft, gray and blue gray; contains much sand and gravel 3 10
Gravel and sand, coarse to fine; contains some compact greenish-gray silt 10 20
Gravel and sand, coarse to fine 10 30
Gravel, medium to fine, and coarse to medium sand 10 40
Gravel, coarse to fine, and fine to medium sand 20 60
Gravel, coarse to medium, and coarse to fine brown sand; contains some clayey tan silt 12 72
Kansan Stage
Silt, soft, tan and blue gray; contains some medium to fine sand 3 75
Gravel, limestone and sandstone pebbles, fine to coarse 2.5 77.5
Silt, clayey, dark gray; contains some medium to fine sand 10.5 88
Clay, silty, gray; contains some medium to fine sand 14 102
Gravel, medium to fine 4 106
Dakota Formation
Silt, clayey, gray white and pink; contains some medium to fine sand and some coal 14 120

5-3-20dd--Drillers log of jetted test hole in SE SE sec. 20, T. 5 S., R. 3 W. Surface altitude, 1,351.0 feet. Thickness,
Recent Stage--Alluvium
Top soil, silty 4 4
Sand, fine 6 10
Sand, medium to fine 5 15

5-3-21bbc--Sample log of test hole in SW NW NW sec. 21, T. 5 S., R. 3 W., 0.15 mile south of intersection and 6 feet east of center of road. Surface altitude, 1,355.1 feet. Thickness,
Road fill 3 3
Recent Stage--Alluvium
Soil, silty, brown and black 2 5
Clay, silty, gray 5 10
Sand, silty, fine, and fine brown gravel 10 20
Gravel, medium, and coarse gray-green sand 20 40
Gravel, arkosic, medium, and coarse sand 40 80
Kansan Stage
Gravel, limestone and sandstone pebbles; contains much clay 12 92
Dakota Formation
Clay, gray; contains lignite 8 100

5-3-21cb--Sample log of test hole in NW cor. SW,14 sec. 21, T. 5 S., R. 3 W., 100 feet south of east-west road and 15 feet east of center of north-south road. Surface altitude, 1,352.0 feet. Thickness,
Recent Stage--Alluvium
Soil 3 3
Sand, coarse to fine; contains some medium to fine brown gravel 12 15
Gravel, fine, and coarse to fine sand 5 20
Gravel, very coarse to fine; contains some coarse to medium sand 10 30
Gravel, coarse to fine; contains some medium to fine sand 10 40
Gravel, coarse to fine, and coarse sand 10 50
Gravel, fine to medium, and coarse sand 10 60
Sand, coarse to fine, and soft gray silt 10 70
Gravel, fine, coarse sand, and soft gray silt 10.5 80.5
Kansan Stage
Silt, clayey, gray 28.5 109
Gravel, limestone and sandstone pebbles, medium to fine, and coarse sand 7 116
Dakota Formation
Clay, compact, pink and white 4 120

5-3-21cc--Sample log of test hole in SW SW sec. 21, T. 5 S., R. 3 W., 108 feet south of south end of bridge and 12 feet east of center of road. Surface altitude, 1,848.8 feet. Thickness,
Recent Stage--Alluvium
Soil, silty, brown and black 2 2
Gravel, medium, and coarse to medium sand 18 20
Gravel, coarse to medium, and coarse gray sand 50 70
Sand, medium to coarse, and medium gravel, brown and gray 8 78
Kansan Stage
Clay, very fine sandy, gray to brown; contains some gravel 22 100
Gravel, limestone and sandstone pebbles, medium to coarse; contains some yellow-buff clay 6 106
Dakota Formation
Shale, clayey, red and- white mottled 4 110

5-3-22bda--Drillers log of test hole in NE SE NW sec. 22, T. 5 S., R. 3 W., 1,600 feet south and 2,140 feet east of NW cor. of section. Drilled by Air Made Well Company. Surface altitude, 1,359.6 feet. Thickness,
Soil, black 3 3
Clay, hard, yellow 13 16
Mud, fine sandy 19 35
Sand, medium fine 16 51
Sand, medium coarse 14 65
Sand, coarse 13 78

5-3-23cb--Drillers log of jetted test hole in NW SW sec. 28, T. 5 S., R. 3 W. Surface altitude, 1,340.0 feet. Thickness,
Recent Stage--Alluvium
Top soil 4 4
Clay, silty 2 6
Sand, medium to coarse 7 13
Gravel, medium to fine 8 21

5-3-27da--Sample log of test hole in NE SE sec. 27, T. 5 S., R. 3 W., 0.45 mile north of sec. line. Surface altitude, 1,332 feet. Thickness,
Recent Stage--Alluvium
Silt, gray black; contains much sand 2 2
Sand, coarse to fine; contains some fine gravel 8 10
Gravel, fine to medium; contains much medium sand, 12.5 22.5
Silt, soft, blue gray .5 23
Sand, coarse to fine; contains some medium gravel 7 30
Gravel, medium to fine ' and coarse to fine sand 20 50
Gravel, fine, and coarse to fine sand 25 75
Kansan Stage
Silt, soft, buff and gray, interbedded with gravel and sand 7.5 82.5
Gravel, limestone and sandstone pebbles, and coarse to fine sand 3.5 86
Silt, soft, tan; contains much fine sand 5 91
Gravel, limestone and sandstone pebbles, coarse to fine 6.5 97.5
Dakota Formation
Clay, dark gray; contains fine sand, pyrite, and hard black coal 7.5 105

5-3-28bac--Sample log of test hole in SW NE NW sec. 28, T. 5 S., R. 3 W., 1,086 feet south and 1,334 feet east of NW corner of section. Surface altitude, 1,346.0 feet. Thickness,
Recent Stage--Alluvium
Sand, medium to fine, and gray silt 5 5
Silt, gray black; contains some medium to fine sand and some pebbles 6 11
Gravel, medium to fine, and coarse to fine sand 12 23
Silt, clayey, gray green 2.5 25.5
Gravel, coarse to medium, and coarse to fine sand 4.5 30
Gravel and sand, coarse to fine 30 60
Gravel, fine, and coarse sand 3 63
Kansan Stage
Clay, silty, light gray green; contains some coarse to fine sand 2 65
Gravel, limestone and sandstone pebbles, fine to coarse, and coarse sand 10 75
Silt, soft, clayey, buff; contains fine sand 5 80
Silt, soft, sandy, clayey, gray and greenish blue gray, 10 90
Silt, gray and greenish gray; contains fine sand 11 101
Gravel, limestone pebbles, coarse to medium 2 103
Dakota Formation
Clay, red, white, and yellow 2 105

5-3-28bbd--Sample log of test hole in SE NW NW sec. 28, T. 5 S., R. 3 W., 1,071 feet south and 1,148 feet east of NW corner of section. Surface altitude, 1,347.5 feet. Thickness,
Recent Stage--Alluvium
Sand, medium to fine, and soft black silt 2.5 2.5
Sand, coarse to medium; contains some fine brown gravel 9.5 12
Sand, coarse to medium, medium to fine gray gravel, and greenish-gray silt 18 30
Gravel, medium to fine; contains some coarse sand 20 50
Gravel, coarse to fine, and coarse to medium sand. 5.5 55.5
Silt, soft, buff, gray, and brown; contains much fine sand 7.5 63
Gravel, fine to coarse; contains some coarse to fine sand 13 76
Kansan Stage
Clay, silty, buff and gray 4 80
Clay, silty, gray and black 10 90
Clay, silty, gray black and gray green 11 101
Gravel, limestone pebbles, medium to fine 6 107
Dakota Formation
Clay, red and white 3 110

5-3-28bc--Sample log of test hole in SW NW sec. 28, T. 5 S., R. 3 W., 115 feet north of T road to east and 5 feet east of center of road. Surface altitude, 1,349.8 feet. Thickness,
Recent Stage--Alluvium
Silt, clayey, black 3 3
Clay, very fine sandy, gray 4 7
Sand, medium, and fine brown gravel 3 10
Sand, medium to coarse, brown 10 20
Gravel, medium to coarse, and coarse sand 10 30
Gravel, medium to coarse, and medium to coarse gray-green sand 24 54
Gravel, coarse to very coarse, and pink-tan clay 6 60
Kansan Stage
Clay, gray; contains some limestone gravel 10 70
Gravel, limestone and sandstone pebbles, coarse, yellow brown 16 86
Dakota Formation
Shale, clayey, red and white 4 90

5-3-28cbc--Sample log of test hole in SW NW SW sec. 28, T. 5 S., R. 3 W., 0.25 mile north of SW cor. of section and 9 feet east of center of road. Surface altitude, 1,349.9 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan and Recent Stages--Alluvium and terrace deposits
Soil, silty, brown and black 4 4
Gravel, fine, coarse sand, and brown and gray clay 4 8
Gravel, medium, and coarse gray-green sand 26 34
Gravel, coarse, and some coarse sand; contains sandstone and ironstone fragments 7 41
Dakota Formation
Clay, yellow, buff, and gray 6 47
Clay, yellow, red, and gray 3 50

5-3-29ada--Sample log of test hole in NE SE NE sec. 29, T. 5 S., R. 3 W., 30 feet south of T road to east and 50 feet north of river. Surface altitude, 1,849.3 feet. Thickness,
Road fill 1 1
Recent Stage--Alluvium
Soil, silty, brown 7.5 8.5
Sand, medium; contains some brown gravel 4.5 13
Gravel, medium, and coarse gray-green sand 19 32
Clay 2 34
Gravel, medium, and coarse gray-green sand 18 52
Clay, silty, yellow buff 8 60
Sand, fine, and gray clay; contains some gravel 10 70
Kansan Stage
Gravel, limestone and sandstone pebbles, medium 21 91
Dakota Formation
Clay, light gray, mottled, to red 9 100

5-3-29dd1--Drillers log of test hole jetted by Federal and State Geological Surveys in SE SE sec. 29, T. 5 S., R. 3 W. Surface altitude, 1,351.0 feet. Thickness,
Recent Stage--Alluvium
Top soil 2 2
Silt and fine sand 6 8
Sand, medium to fine 7 15
Sand, coarse, and fine gravel 3 18
Gravel, medium to coarse 3 21

5-3-29dd2--Sample log of test hole in SE SE sec. 29, T. 5 S., R. 3 W., 300 feet north of NE municipal well at Concordia and 9 feet west of center of road. Surface altitude, 1,349.8 feet. Thickness,
Road fill 2 2
Wisconsinan and Recent Stages--Alluvium and terrace deposits
Sand, very fine, and brown silt 7 9
Gravel, fine to coarse, and coarse brown sand 13 22
Gravel, fine to coarse, and coarse gray-green sand 19 41
Dakota Formation
Clay, slightly sandy, yellow buff and gray 9 50

5-3-31bb--Sample log of test hole near NW cor. sec. 31, T. 5 S., R. 8 W., on west side of road, west of center of long corncrib. Drilled June 2, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,364.9 feet; depth to water, 15.70 feet. Thickness,
Recent Stage--Alluvium
Silt, very sandy, tan 2 2
Sand, fine 3 5
Clay, sandy, tabular, dark tan 11 16
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine arkosic gravel 12 28
Clay, sandy, blue gray 2 30
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine arkosic gravel; contains many snail shells 9 39
Kansan Stage
Clay, sandy, light gray 12 51
Clay, silty to sandy, buff 15 66
Gravel, fine to medium, and fine to coarse sand; composed entirely of sandstone and limestone fragments 3 69
Dakota Formation
Sandstone, crystalline, very hard and glassy, light gray .5 69.5

5-3-32ada--Drillers log of test hole in NE SE NE sec. 32, T. 5 S., R. 3 W. Drilled by Layne-Western Company. Surface altitude, 1,368.0 feet. Thickness,
Soil 5 5
Clay 15 20
Sand 5 25
Sand and gravel 17 42
Sand, fine 6 48
Sand, fine, packed 4 52
Clay 3 55
Sand, fine, packed (Dakota? Formation) 3 58

5-3-32ad--Drillers log of test hole in SE NE sec. 32, T. 5 S., R. 3 W. Drilled by Layne-Western Company. Surface altitude, 1,,375.0 feet. Thickness,
Soil 5 5
Clay 25 30
Sand, fine 5 35
Sand and gravel 15 50
Sand, fine, packed 5 55
Clay 1 56
"Soapstone" (Dakota? Formation) 2 58

5-4-8dd--Drillers log of jetted test hole in SE,1,4 SEI,4 sec. 8, T. 5 S., R. 4 W. Surface altitude, 1,390.0 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan Stage--Terrace deposits
Top soil 2 2
Clay 16 18
Sand, medium 6 24
Sand, coarse, and fine gravel 15 39

5-4-9aab--Drillers log of jetted test hole in NW NE NE sec. 9, T. 5 S., R. 4 W. Surface altitude., 1,381.0 feet. Thickness,
Recent Stage--Alluvium
Top soil 3 3
Sand, medium to coarse 10 13
Gravel, medium 4 17
Sand, medium 4 21

5-4-11dcc--Sample log of test hole in SW cor. SE sec. 11, T. 5 S., R. 4 W., 150 feet east of half-section line and 150 feet north of center of road. Thickness,
Wisconsinan Stage--Terrace deposits
Soil, gray black, and yellow-gray sandy silt 5 5
Silt, compact, clayey, gray brown; contains fine sand, 2 7
Silt, soft, yellow gray, and very fine sand; contains some caliche nodules 13 20
Silt, soft, gray, and fine sand 7 27
Gravel, medium to fine, and coarse to fine brown sand 23 50
Gravel, coarse to fine, and yellow-brown silt 6 56
Dakota Formation
Clay, silty, cream and pink; contains some yellow-brown sandstone 4 60

5-4-11dd--Drillers log of jetted test hole in SE SE sec. 11, T. 5 S., R. 4 W. Surface altitude, 1,385.0 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan Stage--Terrace deposits
Top soil, sandy 4 4
Clay, sandy, silty, fine 16 20
Sand, medium 20 40
Dakota Formation
Shale   40

5-4-11ddd--Sample log of test hole in SE cor. sec. 11, T. 5 S., R. 4 W., 45 feet north and 9 feet west of right angle road off curve. Surface altitude, 1,381.3 feet. Thickness,
Road fill 3 3
Wisconsinan Stage--Terrace deposits
Silt, clayey, brown gray 7 10
Silt, clayey, yellow gray 9 19
Silt, soft, buff; contains some gravel and sand 4 23
Gravel, fine, and coarse to fine sand 7 30
Gravel, medium to fine, and coarse to fine brown sand 11 41
Dakota Formation
Clay, gray, and fine yellow-brown sandstone 6 47
Clay, carbonaceous, dark gray; contains some soft medium-grained brown and white sandstone 6 53
Clay, gray white; contains fine sand 3 56

5-4-14bc--Drillers log of jetted test hole in SW NW sec. 14, T. 5 S., R. 4 W. Surface altitude, 1,373.0 feet. Thickness,
Recent Stage--Alluvium
Top soil, silty 5 5
Sand, medium 7 12
Sand, blue; contains weathered shale 4 16
Gravel, medium 2 18
Gravel, coarse to medium 3 21

5-4-15dd--Sample log of test hole in SE cor. sec. 15, T. 5 S., R. 4 W., 221 feet east and 6 feet north of center of intersection. Thickness,
Recent Stage--Alluvium
Silt, soft, yellow gray; contains much sand 8 8
Sand and gravel, coarse to fine 12 20
Gravel and coarse to fine sand; contains some clayey blue-gray silt 6 26
Silt, soft; contains some sand and gravel 14 40
Gravel and sand, coarse to fine 10 50
Gravel, medium to fine, and coarse to fine sand 20 70
Gravel, coarse to fine, and some fine sand 10 80
Gravel, medium to fine, dark brown; contains some coarse sand 5 85
Kansan Stage
Silt, sandy, soft, buff and gray 5 90
Silt, clayey, gray 18 108
Gravel, limestone pebbles, medium to fine; contains some coarse sand 9.5 117.5
Dakota Formation
Clay, gray, reddish brown, and gray white; contains some sandstone 2.5 120

5-4-17aa--Sample log of test hole in NE cor. sec. 17, T. 5 S., R. 4 W. Drilled by Bureau of Reclamation, 1941. Surface altitude, 1,377.3 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan Stage--Terrace deposits
Soil 3 3
Clay, yellow 15 18
Sand, fine, yellow 7 25
Sand and gravel 40 65
Sand, fine, white 10 75
Sand and gravel 18.5 93.5
Dakota Formation
Shale, brown 1.5 95

5-4-25bd--Sample log of test hole near SE cor. NW sec. 25, T. 5 S., R. 4 W., on high point of land on west edge of trail, about 0.6 mile north of Hannan elevator. Drilled June 3, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,358.7 feet. Thickness,
Recent Stage--Alluvium
Silt, black 2 2
Silt, sandy, tan 6 8
Sand, arkosic, fine to medium; contains a few snail shells 12 20
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine to medium arkosic gravel 10 30
Clay, tan to gray 10 40
Clay, sandy, yellow 10 50
Dakota Formation
Clay, sandy, firm, gray 6 56
Clay, mottled red and gray 10 66

5-4-30bcc--Sample log of test hole in SW cor. NW sec. 30, T. 5 S., R. 4 W., on the north edge of old section of highway, 20 feet east of T intersection. Drilled June 1, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,389.6 feet; depth to water, 5.50 feet June 3, 1954. Thickness,
Wisconsinan Stage--Terrace deposits
Clay and silt, black 2 2
Clay, silty, gray to tan 8 10
Clay, silty, greenish gray 6 16
Clay, silty, light tan to buff 11 27
Clay, light tan to buff; contains some sand and gravel 20 47
Kansan Stage
Gravel, fine to medium, very angular; composed of weathered sandstone and limestone 3 50
Sand, medium to coarse, and fine to medium gravel; composed of sandstone and limestone 10 60
Dakota Formation
Clay, sandy, hard, red and light gray 10 70

5-5-4aab--Sample log of test hole in NW NE NE sec. 4, T. 5 S., R. 5 W., on south side of road about 700 feet west of road intersection. Drilled November 3, 1953. Surface altitude, 1,424.6 feet; depth to water, 24.00 feet. Thickness,
Illinoian Stage--Crete and Loveland Formations
Silt and clay, dark brown 4 4
Clay, brown 13 17
Clay, silty, brown 7 24
Gravel, limestone pebbles, fine to medium 3 27
Clay, gray and yellow 2 29
Gravel, limestone pebbles, fine to medium 1 30
Dakota Formation
Clay, blue to blue gray 17 47
Sandstone, tan to gray 1 48
Clay, gray; contains lignite 12 60
Sandstone, tan 2 62
Clay, gray to yellow 7 69
Sandstone, yellow 1 70
Clay, dark gray 8 78
Sandstone, tan 3 81
Clay, gray 33 114
Lignite 1 115
Clay,light gray 17 132
Sandstone, gray 4 136
Clay, gray and brown; contains some red streaks 42 178
Sandstone; contains some pyrite 8 186
Clay, gray 22 208
Sandstone, fine grained, gray 32 240
Clay, gray; contains a few thin red streaks 78 318
Sandstone, tan 3 321
Clay, sandy, dark gray 8 329
Sandstone, very fine grained; contains some clay in lower part 51 380
Clay, dark gray 7 387
Sandstone 4 391
Clay, sandy, blue gray 13 404
Sandstone, fine 23 427
Wellington Formation
Shale, blue gray 1 428

5-5-4ab--Sample log of test hole in NW NE sec. 4, T. 5 S., R. 5 W., on south side of road, 300 feet west of drive to north. Drilled October 29, 1953. Surface altitude, 1,400.6 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan Stage--Terrace deposits
Silt, black 4 4
Clay, silty, calcareous, brown 4 8
Clay, tan; contains some limestone gravel 8 16
Clay, dark gray; contains caliche nodules 7 23
Clay, calcareous, green to brown 15 38
Gravel, fine to coarse, very silty; consists chiefly of limestone, contains some shell fragments 8 46
Kansan Stage
Clay, very calcareous, blue gray 6 52
Clay, gray 2 54
Clay, light gray; contains some limestone gravel 6 60

5-5-4bb--Sample log of test hole in NW NW sec. 4, T. 5 S., R. 5 W., on south side of road at curve to northwest, about 250 feet east of edge of salt marsh. Drilled October 29, 1953. Surface altitude, 1,393.7 feet; depth to water, 8.00 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan Stage--Terrace deposits
Silt, black 4 4
Clay, silty, dark gray 3 7
Silt and clay, gray 7 14
Clay, sandy, blue 5 19
Clay, calcareous, green to gray 4.5 23.5
Silt, gray 9.5 33
Clay, blue 3 36
Gravel, limestone pebbles, fine to coarse 3 39
Kansan Stage
Clay, gray; contains some limestone gravel 7 46
Gravel, limestone pebbles, coarse 7 53
Clay, gray 4 57
Sand, fine clayey 3 60
Clay, very silty, gray 9 69
Dakota Formation
Clay, brown; contains some lignite 6 75

5-5-5ba--Sample log of test hole in NE NW sec. 5, T. 5 S., R. 5 W. Drilled October 29, 1953. Surface altitude, 1,898.4 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan Stage--Terrace deposits
Silt, black 2 2
Silt, dark gray 7 9
Clay, silty 4 13
Gravel, limestone pebbles, fine to medium, tan 5 18
Clay, tan; contains some fine limestone gravel 15 33
Clay, blue gray; contains some fine limestone gravel 4 37
Dakota Formation
Clay, black 13 50

5-5-7bbb--Sample log of test hole in NW NW sec. 7, T. 5 S., R. 5 W. Drilled May 18, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,435.7 feet. Thickness,
Illinoian Stage--Crete and Loveland Formations
Silt, black 3 3
Silt and clay, brown to tan 2 5
Clay, light tan 5 10
Clay, silty, dark brown 4 14
Clay, silty, brown to light tan 5 19
Clay, silty and sandy, light brown; contains a trace of gravel 11 30
Clay, silty to slightly sandy, light brown 10 40
Clay, silty, mottled gray and brown 9 49
Silt, dark brown 6 55
Kansan Stage
Clay, silty; contains considerable fine angular limestone gravel 3.5 58.5
Dakota Formation
Clay, sandy, light gray .5 59

5-5-7cc--Sample log of test hole near SW cor. sec. 7, T. 5 S., R. 5 W., on east side of road, midway between two bridges, across road from fence gap into field. Drilled May 18, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,407.6 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan Stage--Terrace deposits
Silt and clay, black 5 5
Clay, tan to dark gray 5 10
Clay, sandy, tan to gray 7 17
Illinoian Stage--Crete and Loveland Formations
Clay, sandy, blue gray; contains many snail shells 10 27
Clay, slightly sandy, dark gray 3 30
Clay, greenish gray 6 36
Clay, dark gray; contains much very fine sand 8 44
Kansan Stage
Gravel, fine to coarse, and medium to coarse sand; composed entirely of limestone and sandstone 13 57
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine to medium gravel 3 60
Gravel, fine to coarse, and medium to coarse sand 5 65
Clay; contains much sand and gravel 18 83
Gravel, limestone and sandstone pebbles, medium to coarse; contains some clay 3 86
Dakota Formation
Clay, very sandy, light gray to white 9 95

5-5-12dd--Sample log of test hole in SE cor. sec. 12, T. 5 S., R. 5 W. Drilled May 19, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,419.4 feet; depth to water, 28.30 feet June 3, 1954. Thickness,
Illinoian Stage--Crete and Loveland Formations
Silt, black 2 2
Clay, silty, tan 6 8
Clay, silty, brown 3 11
Clay, silty, brown to buff 9 20
Clay, very silty, red brown; contains some fine sand 16 36
Gravel, chiefly limestone and sandstone, fine to medium; contains some clay 1 37
Dakota Formation
Sandstone, fine, friable, light tan 4 41
Clay, very sandy, light gray and red 1 42

5-5-13add--Sample log of test hole in SE SE NE sec. 13, T. 5 S., R. 5 W., on west side of road, midway between two farm houses on east side of road. Drilled May 19, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,402.7 feet, depth to water, 20.80 feet June 3, 1954. Thickness,
Illinoian Stage--Crete and Loveland Formations
Silt, black 3 3
Clay, dark gray to black 4 7
Clay, slightly silty, tan 4 11
Clay, red tan; contains some very fine sand 13 24
Clay, light tan 16 40
Clay, very silty, light tan 4 44
Kansan Stage
Clay and fine sand; contains a few snail shells and a trace of sandstone gravel 6 50
Clay, dark gray to blue gray; contains fine to medium sand and snail shells 4 54
Clay, slightly sandy, greenish tan 10 64
Clay, slightly sandy, tan to brown; contains a trace of limestone gravel 9 73
Clay, tan; contains considerable weathered sandstone and ironstone gravel 11 84
Dakota Formation
Clay shale, sandy, light gray 5 89

5-5-13dad--Sample log of test hole in SE cor. NE SE sec. 13, T. 5 S., R. 5 W. Drilled May 19, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,388.7 feet; depth to water, 7.60 feet June 3, 1954. Thickness,
Wisconsinan Stage--Terrace deposits
Silt, black 3 3
Clay and silt, dark gray 2 5
Clay, tan to brown 7 12
Clay, sandy, greenish tan 8 20
Clay, sandy, buff 6 26
Silt, black; contains numerous shells 3 29
Clay, green 12 41
Kansan Stage
Sand, fine to medium; contains some green clay and shell fragments 8 49
Clay, sandy, green 4 53
Clay, tan; contains some sand and gravel 4 57
Clay, tan, and sand 4 61
Sand, medium to coarse, and fine limestone and sand- stone gravel 7 68
Gravel, limestone and sandstone pebbles, fine to coarse; contains some tan clay 3 71
Clay, tan; contains some gravel 6 77
Clay, black; contains shells 3 80
Clay, dark gray 5 85
Clay, tan; contains some gravel 3 88
Dakota Formation
Clay shale, micaceous, dark gray; contains some sandstone and pyrite in lower 2 feet 12 100

5-5-24aa--Sample log of test hole in NE cor. sec. 24, T. 5 S., R. 5 W. Drilled May 20, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,382.6 feet; depth to water, 5.00 feet June 3, 1954. Thickness,
Wisconsinan Stage--Terrace deposits
Silt, black 3 3
Clay, silty, tan 8 11
Clay, black to dark gray; contains snail shells 10 21
Clay, green; contains snail shells 4 25
Clay and fine sand, green; contains shells 7 32
Clay, sandy, greenish gray 4 36
Kansan Stage
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine to medium gravel 8 44
Clay, sandy, gray 4 48
Clay, sandy, light gray 4 52
Sand, fine to medium 6 58
Clay, sandy, gray 5 63
Gravel, limestone pebbles, fine to medium, and fine to coarse limestone sand 7 70
Clay, very silty, tan to brown 20 90
Clay, silty, black; contains many snail shells 13 103
Gravel, limestone pebbles, fine to coarse 7 110
Sand, quartz, fine to medium 8 118
Dakota Formation
Sandstone; contains some pyrite and lignite 2 120

5-5-24ad--Sample log of test hole in SE NE sec. 24, T. 5 S., R. 5 W., on west side of road about 450 feet south of bridge. Drilled May 20, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,381.2 feet, depth to water, 5.90 feet June 3, 1954. Thickness,
Wisconsinan Stage--Terrace deposits
Silt, black 3 3
Clay, silty, tan to brown 14 17
Clay, silty, blue gray 4 21
Clay, dark gray to black 7 28
Clay, green 9 37
Kansan Stage
Sand, fine to coarse; contains some fine gravel and snail shells 10 47
Clay, sandy to silty, greenish gray 6 53
Sand, quartz and limestone grains, fine; contains some fine gravel and clay 8 61
Clay, tan; contains much fine sand 9 70
Sand, mostly limestone grains, fine to medium; contains some clay and fine gravel 10 80
Clay, gray tan 6 86
Clay, sandy, gray tan 27 113
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine limestone gravel 5 118
Dakota Formation
Clay shale, sandy, gray; contains pyrite 8 126

5-5-24dd--Sample log of test hole in SE SE sec. 24, T. 5 S., R. 5 W., on west side of road, midway between railroad and section corner. Drilled May 20, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,384.4 feet; depth to water, 5.40 feet June 3,1954. Thickness,
Wisconsinan Stage--Terrace deposits
Silt, black 2 2
Silt, clayey, tan brown 2 4
Clay, silty, gray to tan 9 13
Silt, clayey, black 4 17
Clay, green 7 24
Clay, silty, gray 8 32
Kansan Stage
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine gravel; composed chiefly of limestone but contains some arkosic material 10 42
Clay, sandy, gray 2 44
Gravel, limestone granules, fine, angular; contains some clay 2 46
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine limestone gravel 9 55
Clay, blue gray 8 63
Clay, tan, and fine to coarse sand 7 70
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine limestone gravel 12 82
Gravel, fine to medium, and medium to coarse sand 4 86
Sand, fine to medium, interbedded with gray clay 15 101
Dakota Formation
Clay, white to light gray; contains some pyrite 12 113

6-1-3aa--Sample log of test hole in NE cor. sec. 3, T. 6 S., R, 1 W., on west side of road, 40 feet south of road intersection. Drilled June 15, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,278.1 feet; depth to water, 6.05 feet June 25, 1954. Thickness,
Recent Stage--Alluvium
Silt, black 2.5 2.5
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine to medium gravel 60.5 63
Kansan Stage
Clay, blue gray 9 72
Sand, fine to medium; contains considerable weathered sandstone 10 82
Sand, fine 21 103
Dakota Formation
Clay, contains some sandstone and lignite 7 110

6-1-3da--Sample log of test hole in NE cor. SE sec. 3, T. 6 S., R. 1 W., on west side of road, 200 feet south of half-mile line. Drilled June 15, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,292.8 feet; depth to water, 17.50 feet June 25, 1954. Thickness,
Road fill 2 2
Wisconsinan Stage--Terrace deposits
Clay, black 4 6
Clay, gray to tan 14 20
Clay, black 6 26
Sand, fine to medium, and fine arkosic gravel 5 31
Gravel, fine to coarse, arkosic, and medium to coarse sand 12 43
Illinoian Stage--Crete and Loveland Formations
Clay, sandy, red tan 8 51
Sand, fine, reddish tan 4 55
Dakota Formation
Clay,light gray 9 64
Sandstone, fine, light tan 6 70

6-1-11bba--Sample log of test hole in NE NW NW sec. 11, T. 6 S., R. 1 W., on south side of road about 800 feet east of section corner. Drilled June 16, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,334.7 feet; depth to water, 48.60 feet June 25, 1954. Thickness,
Wisconsinan Stage--Peoria Formation
Silt, black 2 2
Silt, soft, tan (loess) 12 14
Illinoian Stage--Crete and Loveland Formations
Silt, blocky, black (Sangamon soil) 3 17
Silt and clay, reddish tan 6 23
Silt, sandy, tan 20 43
Silt, sandy, tan to gray 22 65
Silt, and clay, very sandy; contains some sand and limestone gravel 9 74
Silt and clay, blocky, dark gray (soil?) 2 76
Clay; contains some weathered sandstone gravel 5 81
Sand, fine; contains some ironstone gravel 12 93
Dakota Formation
Sandstone, red and light tan; contains some clay 17 110

6-2-33dc--Sample log of test hole in SW SE sec. 33, T. 6 S., R. 2 W., 0.4 mile west of section corner, 40 feet north of center line of road. Drilled September 30, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,412.9 feet; depth to water, 29.00 feet October 20, 1954. Thickness,
Illinoian Stage--Crete and Loveland Formations
Silt, and clay, dark gray to black 1 1
Clay, silty, blocky, dark tan; contains some sand 23 24
Silt, sandy, gray to brown 3 27
Clay, sandy, buff and brown 5 32
Gravel, sandstone and limestone pebbles, coarse 3.5 35.5
Dakota Formation
Clay, white to light gray 6.5 42
Sandstone, fine to medium 4.5 46.5
Clay, blue gray 6.5 53
Clay, gray to white 9.5 62.5
Sandstone, fine, white 2 64.5
Clay, blue gray to brown 11.5 76
Clay, blue gray to brown; contains some thin sand- stone streaks 6 82
Lignite 2 84
Lignite and pyrite 2 86
Clay, sandy, light gray 3 89
Clay shale, gray 11 100
Shale, gray 7 107
Shale and sandstone; contains pyrite 1 108
Shale, gray 8 116
Shale, gray; contains sandstone streaks and some lignite 6 122
Sandstone, fine; contains a few thin shale streaks 18 140
Sandstone, fine 18 158
Shale, compact, dark gray; contains sandstone streaks, 12 170
Shale, compact, gray 10 180
Clay shale, gray to dark gray; contains sand in upper part 10 190
Clay shale, very sandy, gray 20 210
Shale, sandy, dark gray; contains some pyrite 5.5 215.5
Clay shale, sandy, gray 8.5 224
Clay shale, sandy, gray streaked with yellow 8 232
Sandstone, fine grained, interbedded with clay 3 235
Clay shale, white to yellow 15 250
Shale, very sandy, gray green 18 268
Wellington Formation
Shale and dolomitic limestone, gray to white 2 270

6-4-34cc--Sample log of test hole in SW cor. sec. 34, T. 6 S., R. 4 W., about 80 feet east and 30 feet north of center of road intersection. Drilled September 21, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,472.0 feet; depth to water, 23.00 feet September 24, 1954. Thickness,
Wisconsinan Stage--Terrace deposits
Silt, black 3 3
Silt, blocky, dark gray 4 7
Silt, gray brown 4 11
Silt, clayey, buff 5 16
Clay, buff, and limestone gravel 6 22
Clay, gray 7 29
Dakota Formation
Sandstone, fine 3 32
Clay, gray 2.5 34.5
Lignite 2 36.5
Clay, light gray 2.5 39
Clay, gray 5 44
Lignite 1.5 45.5
Clay, sandy, gray, and lignite 3.5 49
Shale, sandy, gray, and sandstone 18 67
Clay shale, sandy, light gray 19 86
Clay shale, dark gray 3 89
Clay shale, light gray 10 99
Shale, sandy, hard, gray 2 101
Clay shale, gray; contains sandy lenses and pyrite nodules 26 127
Sandstone, fine to very fine; contains a few thin clay stringers 43 170
Sandstone, medium grained 7 177
Clay shale, sandy, gray 4 181
Sandstone; contains some clay and pyrite 9 190
Shale, light gray to gray; contains some sandstone 5.5 195.5
Sandstone, fine 2 197.5
Clay shale, sandy, gray 6.5 204
Sandstone and sandy shale; contains some lignite 6 210
Shale, sandy, gray and brown 34 244
Sandstone; contains some dark-gray shale 2 246
Clay shale, sandy, light gray 9 255
Clay shale, sandy, gray to blue gray 41 296
Sandstone, fine to medium, hard; contains some pyrite and lignite 24 320
Shale, gray to dark gray; contains some pyrite and sandstone 30 350
Clay shale, sandy, gray to blue gray 15 365
Sandstone, fine 2 367
Clay shale, gray to light gray, interbedded with thin sandstone beds 8 375
Sandstone, fine; contains some clay 7 382
Clay shale, gray 3.5 385.5
Wellington Formation
Limestone, hard, gray 1 386.5
Shale, gray 3.5 390

7-2-2aab--Sample log of test hole in NW NE NE,1,4 sec. 2, T. 7 S., R. 2 W., about 0.15 mile west of section corner. Drilled September 30, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,408.1 feet. Thickness,
Illinoian Stage-Loveland Formation
Clay, dark gray to brown 4 4
Clay, sandy, buff to tan 14 18
Dakota Formation
Clay, light gray to brown 8 26

7-5-8cc--Sample log of test hole in SW cor. sec. 8, T. 7 S., R. 5 W., on east side of road, 75 feet north of section corner. Drilled September 10, 1954. Surface altitude, 1,470.0 feet; depth to water, 48.00 feet September 16, 1954. Thickness,
Wisconsinan Stage--Terrace deposits
Silt, black 2 2
Silt, tan 4 6
Clay, dark gray 2 8
Clay, buff; contains some limestone gravel 3 11
Clay, buff to yellow; contains much limestone and ironstone gravel 8 19
Dakota Formation
Clay shale, blue gray; contains much pyrite 36.5 55.5
Clay shale, light gray 2 57.5
Clay shale, blocky, blue gray 1 58.5
Lignite 1 59.5
Clay shale, light gray; contains pyrite 4.5 64
Clay shale, gray; contains thin lenses of light-gray sandstone 10 74
Clay shale, blue gray 2.5 76.5
Shale, sandy, dark gray 8.5 85
Lignite 0.5 85.5
Shale, brownish gray; contains much very fine sand and some pyrite 5.5 91
Lignite 1 92
Shale, sandy, light gray to blue gray 7 99
Clay shale, light gray 41 140
Clay shale, gray; contains some sand 30 170
Clay, blue gray to gray 15 185
Pyrite 0.5 185.5
Sandstone, fine to medium, cemented, white 14.5 200
Clay shale, red and gray; contains a few thin sandstone stringers 20 220
Clay shale, dark gray to black 10 230
Clay shale, gray 30 260
Sandstone, fine to medium 46 306
Sandstone, cemented, red and white 4 310
Clay shale, sandy, gray 20 330
Clay shale, red 10 340
Clay shale, sandy, red and gray 10 350
Sandstone, fine 20 370
Wellington Formation
Shale, light gray; contains very thin beds of limestone or calcareous shale 20 390

7-5-30bba--Sample log of test hole in NE NW NW sec. 30, T. 7 S., R. 5 W., on shoulder of road approximately 800 feet east of NW corner. Drilled October 1953. Surface altitude, 1,425.0 feet. Thickness,
Illinoian Stage--Crete and Loveland Formations
Silt, yellow 7 7
Sand, coarse 2 9
Gravel, limestone pebbles, coarse 4 13
Clay, gray 5 18
Dakota Formation
Clay, yellow and red 2 20

7-5-30cc--Sample log of test hole in SW cor. sec. 30, T. 7 S., R. 5 W., 120 feet north and 20 feet east of center of road crossing. Drilled October 28, 1953. Surface altitude, 1,378.0 feet; depth to water, 23.25 feet. Thickness,
Illinoian Stage--Crete and Loveland Formations
Silt, dark gray 2 2
Silt, brown 3 5
Silt, tan 8 13
Sand, quartz, fine, and coarse limestone gravel 9 22
Clay, light gray 2 24
Dakota Formation
Clay, red 1 25
Clay, yellow 3 28
Clay, blue 2 30

8-5-18bcb--Sample log of test hole in NW SW NW sec. 18, T. 8 S., R. 5 W., on east side of road about 20 feet south of culvert into field. Drilled October 28, 1953. Surface altitude, 1,344.0 feet; depth to water, 32.42 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan Stage--Terrace deposits
Silt, clayey, black 7 7
Clay, silty, dark gray 4 11
Clay, gray 5 16
Clay,light gray 11 27
Clay, tan to gray 10 37
Sand, fine 5 42
Gravel, limestone pebbles, fine to coarse 3 45
Dakota Formation
Clay, red 5 50

8-5-19bbc--Sample log of test hole in SW NW NW sec. 19, T. 8 S., R. 5. W., on east side of road, 70 feet west of red tin barn. Drilled October 27, 1953. Surface altitude, 1,376.0 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan Stage--Terrace deposits
Silt, black 5 5
Clay, silty, gray 3 8
Clay, silty, dark brown 8 16
Clay, silty, light brown 5 21
Gravel, limestone pebbles, fine to medium 7 28
Dakota Formation
Clay, gray 4 32

8-5-19cb--Sample log of test hole in NW SW sec. 19, T. 8 S., R. 5 W., on east side of road, 54 feet south of culvert across drive to house east of road. Drilled October 27, 1953. Surface altitude, 1,374.0 feet; depth to water, 22.35 feet. Thickness,
Wisconsinan Stage--Terrace deposits
Silt, black 4 4
Clay, silty, brown 9 13
Clay, brown 5 18
Gravel, limestone pebbles, fine to coarse, angular 7 25
Dakota Formation
Clay, dark gray 5 30

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Kansas Geological Survey, Geology
Placed on web June 29, 2009; originally published May 1959.
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