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Logs of Test Holes and Wells, continued

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12-26-6dd--Sample log of test hole in SE cor. sec. 6, T. 12 S., R. 26 W., 20 feet south of bridge and 10 feet west of center line of road. Drilled by State Geological Survey September 3, 1952. Surface altitude, 2,593.2 feet; depth to water, 15.20 feet. Thickness,
Silt, sandy, tan 5 5
Clay, silty, dark gray 3 8
Clay, compact, tan gray; contains some gray-green sandy clay 9 17
Ogallala Formation
Sand, fine to coarse, silty; contains clay at 19 and 25 feet 11 28
Sand and gravel, fine to coarse, silty to clayey 8.5 36.5
Niobrara Chalk--Smoky Hill Chalk member
Chalk, silicified, yellow brown 0.1 36.6

12-26-7aa--Sample log of test hole in NE NE sec. 7, T. 12 S., R. 26 W., 0.2 mile south of road intersection and 12 feet west of center line of road. Drilled by State Geological Survey September 3, 1952. Surface altitude, 2,587.0 feet. Thickness,
Clay, silty, dark gray to tan brown 5 5
Clay, fine, sandy to silty, tan 2 7
Clay, compact, blue gray 2 9
Clay, compact, light gray; contains some sand 3 12
Clay, sandy, tan 9.5 21.5
Sand, fine to coarse, and some fine to coarse gravel 10.5 32
Clay, compact, dark gray, sandy in part 7 39
Sand, gravel, and pebbles, clayey 8 47
Niobrara Chalk--Smoky Hill Chalk member
Shale and siltstone, calcareous, dark gray 3 50

12-26-8cb--Sample log of test hole in NW SW sec. 8, T. 12 S., R. 26 W., 0.35 mile north of sec. cor. and 80 feet east of center line of road. Drilled by State Geological Survey September 4, 1952. Surface altitude, 2,587.8 feet; depth to water, 11.90 feet. Thickness,
Clay, silty, dark gray 0.5 0.5
Clay, silty to sandy, dark brown 6.5 7
Sand, fine to coarse, silty 2 9
Sand and gravel, fine to coarse; contains pebbles throughout and clay at 10 feet 10 19
Sand and gravel, fine to coarse, silty; contains chalk fragments in lower part 10 29
Niobrara Chalk--Smoky Hill Chalk member
Chalk, pink, yellow, and white; silicified at 36.5 feet 8 37

12-26-19da--Sample log of test hole in NE SE sec. 19, T. 12 S., R. 26 W., on west edge of road at 1/4-mile line. Drilled by State Geological Survey September 17, 1957. Surface altitude, 2,650.3 feet; depth to water 80.30 feet. Thickness,
Peoria and Loveland Formations
Silt, light tan 5 5
Ogallala Formation
Sand; contains some caliche 3 8
Sand, medium to coarse, cemented 22 30
Sand 6 36
Sand; contains cemented layers 2 38
Sand 9 47
Sand, silty; contains cemented layers 12 59
Sand and gravel 10 69
Sand and gravel, silty, tan 2 71
Silt, sandy, tan to brown 5 76
Sand and gravel 3 79
Silt, sandy, tan 15 94
Sand and gravel, cemented 8 102
Niobrara Chalk--Smoky Hill Chalk member
Shale, weathered, yellow 15 117
Shale, black 13 130

12-27-2bb--Sample log of test hole in NW cor. sec. 2, T. 12 S., R. 27 W., 50 feet east of sec. cor. and 10 feet south of center line of road. Drilled by State Geological Survey September 9, 1957. Surface altitude, 2,673.7 feet; depth to water, 54.90 feet. Thickness,
Peoria and Loveland Formations
Silt, light brown; contains snail shells 16 16
Silt, light brown; contains caliche 3 19
Ogallala Formation
Caliche, sandy, pink to gray 9 28
Sand, fine, cemented, white to light gray 27 55
Sand and gravel 11 66
Sand; contains cemented layers 11 77
Sand; contains silty layers 2 79
Silt, sandy 9 88
Sand and gravel, silty; contains cemented layers 7 95
Sand, silty, silicified, very hard 0.5 95.5
Sand 0.5 96
Sand, cemented 1 97
Niobrara Chalk--Smoky Hill Chalk member
Chalk, silicified, very hard 0.3 97.3

12-28-3aa--Sample log of test hole in NE cor. sec. 3, T. 12 S., R. 28 W., 500 feet south of sec. cor. and 5 feet west of center line of road. Drilled by State Geological Survey September 10, 1957. Surface altitude, 2,717.0 feet. Thickness,
Peoria and Loveland Formations
Silt, sandy at base 5 5
Silt, light tan to brown 9 14
Ogallala Formation
Sand, coarse 3 17
Silt, light gray 10 27
Silt, light gray; contains some coarse sand 2 29
Sand, coarse; contains caliche 6 35
Silt, yellow; contains some gravel 8 43
Niobrara Chalk--Smoky Hill Chalk member
Shale, yellow to white; contains limy layers 20 63
Shale, weathered, black 4 67

12-29-6cc--Sample log of test hole in SW cor. sec. 6, T. 12 S., R. 29 W., 100 feet north of sec. cor. and 5 feet east of center line of road. Drilled by State Geological Survey September 12, 1957. Surface altitude, 2,798.0 feet; depth to water, 28.80 feet. Thickness,
Peoria and Loveland Formations
Silt, tan 5 5
Ogallala Formation
Sand, fine to medium 3 8
Caliche; contains cemented fine sand layers 4 12
Silt, pink; contains cemented sand layers 11 23
Silt, pink 4 27
Silt, pink; contains cemented sand layers 10.5 37.5
Silt, cemented, very hard 0.5 38
Sand 3 41
Silt, sandy, limy, white 16 57
Sand, fine, tan to brown 5 62
Niobrara Chalk--Smoky Hill Chalk member
Shale, silicified, green 1 63
Shale, brown to black 7 70
Shale, black 10 80

12-30-1aa--Sample log of test hole in NE NE sec. 1, T. 12 S., R. 30 W., 700 feet south of road intersection and 10 feet west of center line of road. Drilled by State Geological Survey May 21, 1952. Surface altitude, 2,880.6 feet; depth to water, 111.00 feet. Thickness,
Peoria and Loveland Formations
Silt, fine sandy, tan gray to gray green; contains many snails in upper part and some sand in lower part 16.5 16.5
Ogallala Formation
Clay, sandy, limy, light gray 4 20.5
Clay, limy, soft, light tan 1.5 22
Clay, very sandy, tan brown; contains some gravel 4 26
Sand and gravel, fine to coarse, clayey to silty; contains clay at 28 feet and coarse gravel in lower part 16.5 42.5
Sand, fine to coarse, silty, cemented, tan brown 13.5 56
Sand and gravel, fine to coarse, silty, light gray; contains some pebbles 18 74
Clay, sandy, noncalcareous, light red to tan brown 22 96
Clay, sandy and limy, gray to tan gray 11 107
Sand, fine to very fine, limy, silty, light gray; opaline cemented at 108 feet 21 128
Sand and gravel, fine to coarse, clayey, yellow tan 3 131
Clay, tan gray to gray brown; contains embedded gravel throughout and silty limestone at 131 feet 7 138
Sand and gravel, fine to coarse, clayey; contains some weathered chalk fragments of pebble size in lower part 25 163
Niobrara Chalk--Smoky Hill Chalk member
Shale, chalky, yellow and white 2 165
Shale, silty, calcareous, dark gray 5 170

12-30-27dd1--Drillers log of irrigation well in SE SE sec. 27, T. 12 S., R. 30 W. Drilled by Struckhoff Bros. Depth to water, 18 feet. Thickness,
Clay 15 15
Clay, blue 1 16
Gravel, good 21 37
Niobrara Chalk--Smoky Hill Chalk member
Shale 2 39

12-30-28db--Drillers log of irrigation well in NW SE sec. 28, T. 12 S., R. 30 W. Drilled by Struckhoff Bros. Depth to water, 14 feet. Thickness,
Clay 15 15
Gravel, good 13 28
Silt, blue 3 31
Gravel 1 32
Niobrara Chalk--Smoky Hill Chalk member
Shale 2 34

12-31-6bb--Sample log of test hole in NW cor. sec. 6, T. 12 S., R. 31 W., 90 feet south of road intersection and 35 feet east of center line of road. Drilled by State Geological Survey September 15, 1952. Surface altitude, 3,014.3 feet; depth to water, 89.35 feet. Thickness,
Peoria and Loveland Formations
Clay, silty, dark brown 1 1
Clay, gray; contains some gravel 2 3
Silt, tan gray to tan brown 14 17
Clay, silty to very limy, tan to tan white 13 30
Ogallala Formation
Clay, limy, tan to white; contains embedded sand and gravel 17 47
Sand, gravel, and pebbles, clayey, cemented in part 11 58
Clay, compact to sandy in the lower part, light gray to red brown 22 80
Sand, gravel, and pebbles, silty, loosely cemented 10 90
Sand, fine, silty to limy, cemented 8 98
Sand, fine to medium, clayey to cemented, dark gray 8 106
Clay, sandy, light gray; contains weathered shale fragments 11 117
Pierre Shale
Shale, bentonitic, yellow and yellow brown 3 120

12-31-34d--Drillers log of test hole in SE sec. 34, T. 12 S., R. 31 W. Drilled by Struckhoff Bros. Thickness,
Peoria and Loveland Formations
Silt and clay 15 15
Ogallala Formation
Sand, clayey; contains some gravel 15 30
Gravel 17 47
Clay, sandy; contains some gravel 7 54
Sand, fine; contains some gravel 11 65
Sand, cemented 1 66
Clay, white 2 68
Sand, fine 7 75
Sand and gravel 4 79
Sand, cemented 2 81
Clay, sandy 5 86
Sand, cemented 1 87
Sand and gravel; contains cemented layers 9 96
Clay 2 98
Gravel 39 137
Niobrara Chalk--Smoky Hill Chalk member
Shale 24 161

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Kansas Geological Survey, Geology
Placed on web Sept. 30, 2008; originally published June 1960.
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