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Ground-water Regions
In the following paragraphs the ground-water conditions in Jackson County are discussed briefly by regions that are established on the basis of the chief aquifer or group of aquifers within the regions. The boundaries of the regions, shown on Plate 2, are generalized, and it should be understood that the following discussion does not apply to every individual well within a given region.
Within the region designated A, most wells derive water from alluvial deposits. Wells deriving water from alluvium generally are relatively shallow and have moderately large yields of water of good quality. In nearly every place in Jackson County where alluvium is present it is exploited in preference to other aquifers.
Glacial till and associated deposits are the chief aquifers in the regions designated B. The depth to water, as well as the quality and quantity of water available, is extremely variable in these regions. In nearly every place within these regions, however, it is possible to develop an adequate domestic or stock supply of satisfactory quality. Many wells in these areas extend a few feet into the underlying bedrock but derive their water from gravel deposits which rest directly upon the bedrock.
Permian rocks of the Grenola limestone and all overlying Permian rocks up to the Wreford limestone are the aquifers in the regions designated C. In these regions the Grenola and Beattie limestones yield moderate to large quantities of water of good quality. The Permian formations overlying the Beattie limestone in Jackson County yield only small amounts of water to wells. The depth to water in these regions, and to some extent the quality of water available, depends on the topographic position.
Permian rocks of the Council Grove group underlying the Grenola limestone are the chief aquifers in the regions designated D. In these regions wells do not, in general, yield large quantities of water, but the quality of the water available is satisfactory for domestic and stock supplies. In these regions the depth to water and the quality of water depend on the topographic position.
Pennsylvanian rocks and Permian rocks of the Admire group are the aquifers in the regions designated E. In many parts of these regions, water supplies are very meager and large-diameter dug wells are used to provide a greater infiltration area and also to serve as a reservoir. In general, the quality of water from shallow wells in these regions is satisfactory, but water from many of the deeper wells is highly mineralized.
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Kansas Geological Survey, Geology
Placed on web Aug. 9, 2007; originally published June 1953.
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