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News Release, Kansas Geological Survey, April 25, 2001

Topographic Maps of Four Western Kansas Counties Now Available

LAWRENCE--New topographic maps of four western Kansas counties are now available from the Kansas Geological Survey, based at the University of Kansas.

The maps are of Clark, Comanche, Wichita, and Hodgeman counties. The maps show the elevations and contours of the earth's surface, along with a variety of other natural and manmade features.

For example, the Clark County map shows the rugged terrain around Clark State Fishing Lake and along the streams flowing into Bluff Creek. The Comanche County map depicts the steep terrain along the streams and tributaries of Mule Creek in the northern part of the county and along the Salt Fork of the Arkansas River to the south, rugged topography is typical of the Red Hills region of Kansas.

Other features shown on the map are pipelines, sand and gravel pits, oil and gas fields, springs, sandpits, feedlots, and airports.

The maps were produced by the U.S. Geological Survey and drawn at a scale of 1:100,000, so that one inch on the map equals about 1.5 miles of actual distance. Lines showing elevation are drawn in meters.

In addition to county topographic maps, the Survey carries more detailed topographic maps of the entire state.

Copies of each new map are available from the Survey's Publication Sales Office, 1930 Constant Avenue, Lawrence, KS 66047 (or call 785-864-2157). The cost per map is $5.00, plus $3.00 shipping and handling. Kansas residents should add 6.9% sales tax on the entire amount of the order state.

Story by Liz Brosius, (785) 864-2063

Kansas Geological Survey, Publications and Public Affairs