Stone schoolhouse near Chapman

This page lists links to information available at the Kansas Geological Survey that is most appropriate for educational use. This is not an exhaustive list; please check the other areas of the KGS Web Site for other resources that may also be of interest. In addition, several educational publications are listed in the Kansas Geological Survey publications catalog.


Presented by the Kansas Geological Survey Geology Extension, GeoKansas presents regional information about the geology and geography of Kansas.

Photography Projects

Photo Library
The KGS has created a database to explore the photos taken by KGS staff over the years.
Historical Aerial Photos of Kansas
This database displays the aerial photos stored at the Survey.

Story Maps

Surficial Geology of Morris County, Kansas
Explore KGS Map M-125 through this interactive story map. Includes photos and descriptions of rock formations in the county.
Highways and Byways to Kansas Geology
Explore the geology along Kansas highways through maps, photos, and video.


An interactive simulator in which students take on the role of an environmental consultant to solve a contamination problem.

High Plains Aquifer Information Network

This site is dedicated to providing links to information, data, and resources related to the High Plains aquifer.