Prev Page--Start || Next Page--Introduction, Study Area, Topography
Part A
Location and Extent of the Study Area
Topography, Drainage, and Land Use
Precipitation and Temperature
Evapotranspiration and Water-Balance Diagrams
Streamflow and Baseflow
Water-table Configuration and Decline
Water in Storage
Aquifer Properties
Estimates of Regional Groundwater Recharge
Part B
Digital Simulation of the Pawnee Valley Alluvial Aquifer
Groundwater Simulation Model
Boundary Conditions and Input Requirements for the Simulation Model
Implementation of the Model to the Pawnee Valley
Some Model Features Designed for the Pawnee Valley
Parameter Estimation or Model Calibration
Parameter Adjustment Procedure
Implementation of the Parameter Adjustment Procedure
Predicted Water-Level Declines--Management Options
Management Options
Projected Water-Level Declines
Conclusions and Recommendations
A. Listing of registered wells and their appropriate pumpage in the Pawnee Valley
B. Water-level decline values for each grid of the model area for all options considered
Prev Page--Start || Next Page--Introduction, Study Area, Topography
Kansas Geological Survey, Hydrogeology
Placed on web Aug. 1, 2012; originally published April 1980.
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