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Kansas Geological Survey, Ground-water Levels
Part of the Upper Arkansas River Corridor Study
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Table 2--Water Levels and Associated Information for Wells in the High Plains Aquifer or Alluvium South of the Arkansas River in East-Central Kearny County.

Well location,
well number, and
period of record
Well depth,
Land surface elevation,
Well use 1940
water-level depth,
Distance from river, miles Location relative to ditch irrigation area and Arkansas River floodplain Land surface elevation above river, ft* 1940 water-level elevation above river, ft*
24S 35W 13CCC
02 1/1/62-9/6/94
50 2941 Unused 12 0.9 S End of Southside area In floodplain 12 0
24S 35W 22CCC
02 5/1/58-4/26/99
65 2962 Irrigation 20 0.9 S In Southside area
In floodplain
20 0
25S 35W 04BDD
01 1/21/85-1/4/99
299 2990 Irrigation 40 3.5 S 0.5 mile south of Southside boundary
Above floodplain
44 4
25S 35W 02BAA
01 4/1/75-1/22/99
300 2990 Observation 52 3.7 S Over 1 mile southeast of Southside boundary
Above floodplain
58 6
25S 35W 17AAA
01 3/1/75-1/4/99
320 2995 Irrigation 37 4.9 S 2 miles south of Southside boundary
Above floodplain
46 9
25S 35W 26BAB
01 6/1/75-1/4/99
367 3005 Irrigation 70 7.6 S Over 6 miles south of Southside boundary
Above floodplain
72 2

* Elevation of river directly north of well taken from USGS 7.5 minute topographic quadrangle.

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Kansas Geological Survey
Placed online Aug. 1, 2001
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