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KGS Open-file Report 97-24 (PDF format)

Improved Oil Recovery in Mississippian Carbonate Reservoirs of Kansas -- Near Term -- Class 2, by Lee C. Gerhard, Timothy R. Carr, G. Paul Willhite, Dana Adkins-Heljeson, Scott Beaty, Saibal Bhattacharya, Evan Franseen, Paul Gerlach, Willard Guy, John Hopkins and W. Lynn Watney. Section 2.3.4 and appendices D - F were prepared by Rodney Reynolds, Shapour Vossoughi, and G. Paul Willhite.


This annual report describes progress during the second year of the project entitled "Improved Oil Recovery in Mississippian Carbonate Reservoirs in Kansas". This project funded under the Department of Energy’s Class 2 program targets improving the reservoir performance of mature oil fields located in shallow shelf carbonate reservoirs. The focus of this project is development and demonstration of cost-effective reservoir description and management technologies to extend the economic life of mature reservoirs in Kansas and the mid-continent. As part of the project, several tools and techniques for reservoir description and management were developed, modified and demonstrated. These include: 1) a new approach to subsurface visualization using electric logs ("Pseudoseismic"); 2) a low-cost easy-to-use spreadsheet log analysis software (PfEFFER); and 3) an extension of the BOAST-3 computer program for full field reservoir simulation. The world-wide-web was used to provide rapid and flexible dissemination of the project results through the Internet.

 File Name

OFR97-24s1.PDF Introduction, Objectives and Significance, Site Description, Participating Organizations, Discussion, Field Activities, Data Analysis and Results, Field Mapping, Petrophyiscal Analysis, NMR Analysis, Capillary Pressure. Minipermeameter,PfEFFER, Pseudoseismic Analysis, Lithofacies, Depositional Environment and Paragenesis, Resevoir Model, Field Data and Full Field Simulation Parameters
OFR97-24F2.23.PDF Figure 2.23 - Grid Cells for Full Field Simulation
 OFR97-24F2.24.PDF  Figure 2.24 - Net Pay Isopach for Full Field Simulation
 OFR97-24F2.25.PDF  Figure 2.25 - Subsea Depth to Layer 1 for Full Field Simulation
 OFR97-24F2-26.PDF Figure 2.26 - NMR Derived Effective Porosity
 OFR97-24F2-27.PDF Figure 2.27 - Effective Porosity for Full Field Simulation
 OFR97-24F2-28.PDF Figure 2.28 - Horizontal Matrix Permeability vs, Effective Porosity
 OFR97-24F2-29.PDF  Figure 2.29 - Horizontal Permeability 5* Kx Matrix .
 OFR97-24F2-30.PDF  Figure 2.30 - Horizontal Matrix Permeability X and Y
 OFR97-24F2-31.PDF  Figure 2.31 - Histogram of Kh / Kv Ratio
 OFR97-24F2-32.PDF  Figure 2.32 - Vertical Permeability
 OFR97-24F2-33.PDF  Figure 2.33 - Relative Permeability Curves
 OFR97-24F2-34.PDF  Figure 2.34 - Layer 1 Initial Oil Saturation for Full Field Simulation
 OFR97-24F2-35.PDF Figure 2.35. Initial Pressure for Full Field Simulation
OFR97-24-233.PDF  Full Field Reservoir Volumetrics
  OFR97-24F2-36.PDF  Figure 2.36. Original Oil in Place - Volumetric Calculation
OFR97-24F2-37.PDF  Figure 2.37. Cumulative Oil Produced - Volumetric Calculation
OFR97-24F2-38.PDF  Figure 2.38. Remaining Oil Saturation - Volumetric Calculation
OFR97-24F2-39.PDF  Figure 2.39. Remaining Mobile Oil - Volumetric Calculation
OFR97-24-234.PDF Full-Field BOAST 3 Simulation
  OFR97-24F2-45.PDF  Figure 2.45. Simulation Oil Saturation Time 1995
OFR97-24F2-46.PDF  Figure 2.46. Simulation Saturation Feet Time 1995
OFR97-24F2-47.PDF  Figure 2.47. Simulation Grid Cells with Best Infill Potential
OFR97-24F2-48.PDF  Figure 2.48. Simulation Oil Saturation Time
OFR97-24F2-49.PDF  Figure 2.49. Simulation Rate vs. Time with Three New Wells
OFR97-24F2-50.PDF  Figure 2.50. Simulation Rate vs. Time New Well
OFR97-24-235.PDF Section 30 VIP Simulation, Technology Transfer Activities, Tradition Activities, Non-Traditional Activities (Internet), Problems Encountered, Recommendations, References, Appendices

Kansas Geological Survey
Updated September 30, 1997
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