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Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report 2000-84
Interpretive Aspects of Seismic Coherence and Related Multi-trace Attributes
Previous Page--Incised Valley Example || Next page--Identification of Paleo-depositional Setting

Coupled Stratigraphy and Structure Example--North Sea

on left is coherence slice, on right is dip/azimuth slice

Coherence and dip azimuth time slices from the North Sea. The channel-shaped feature seen at the bottom of the coherence image is actually a set of inward-facing normal faults. These faults appear as steep, opposing dips on the dip/azimuth slice.

on left is coherence time slice, on right is slice from below

The faults identified in the previous slide line up with the edges of a channel 220 ms deeper in the section.

Schematic vertical section through channel

sand-filled channel causes faults above because of differential compaction

A schematic vertical section showing the relationship between the faults and the underlying channel. The faults are interpreted as tensional faults caused by differential compaction between the sand-filled channel and the surrounding shale.

Previous Page--Incised Valley Example || Next page--Identification of Paleo-depositional Setting

Kansas Geological Survey, Petroleum Research Section
Updated January 2001
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