Kansas Geological Survey, Public Information Circular (PIC) 15
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Landowners interested in drilling a water well may want to obtain copies of WWC5 forms for nearby wells. This information, along with information in other publications, can help them to assess the possibilities of success in water-well drilling and make better judgments about where to locate their well. Estimates can be made about drilling depths, potential yields, and the types of rocks that may be encountered while drilling. Information about general hydrological conditions may also be gleaned from these records. Questions concerning these matters may be addressed to KGS staff, who are available for answering public inquiries. It is helpful if such inquiries are accompanied by legal descriptions of the properties involved (i.e., quarter, section, township, and range).
Anyone interested in Kansas oil and gas may find the records stored at KGS useful. The completion forms, scout cards, and geophysical logs can be used to make inferences about depths from the surface to various formations and intervals, characteristics of those intervals, and indications about the presence, quantity, and recoverability of oil and gas. KGS staff are also available to answer questions concerning oil and gas.
Other geological studies can benefit from the information available in the Data Resources Library as well. Stratigraphic studies involving regional correlations, hydrological and ecological studies, structural investigations, and geological engineering concerns may be enhanced by using the subsurface data available in these records.
Access to records stored at the KGS Data Resources Library can be obtained by
Anyone may use the Library facilities free of charge, but a small fee may be charged for photocopies of records. Publications produced by the Kansas Geological Survey on certain areas of the state or on subjects pertinent to the geological and hydrological resources of the state may be purchased through Publications Sales at the KGS.
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Kansas Geological Survey, Public Outreach
Web version October 1999