The KGS website will have a new look soon as we give it a fresh, modern makeover in keeping with other University of Kansas sites. The first KGS website appeared in 1995, and the look has been largely unchanged since the mid-2000s, All existing information, databases, reports, and interactive resources will still be available to visitors. As pages are converted to the new look, existing pages will redirect users. Bookmarks you have set to specific KGS pages will continue to work.

Because our web resources are extensive (roughly 30,000 pages worth of data and information related to the geologic resources of the state), the process of converting the site to the new look will continue for some time. Many of our existing pages will be converted; others may not. Our initial release will be a hybrid, with top-level pages sporting the new look. Visitors who explore deeper into the site may encounter pages that have not been transformed yet.

Coming soon!

Screenshot of new KGS homepage