43rd Annual Midwest Ground Water Conference

Holiday Inn-Holidome & Convention Center, Lawrence, Kansas

The Midwest Ground Water Conference is an informal annual meeting held at the invitation of a participating state. This conference provides an opportunity for hydrologists, geologists, engineers, students, and others studying ground-water resources to meet and exchange ideas, discuss mutual problems affecting the Midwest, and summarize results of field and laboratory studies.

Information Available Online

General Meeting Information

Conference Program


Conference Information: For registration information, use the links above or contact Melany Miller at the Kansas Geological Survey, e-mail: mmiller@kgs.ku.edu or telephone 785-864-3965 or fax 785-864-5317.

Kansas Geological Survey, Geohydrology Section
Placed online Sept. 1, 1998
Comments to webadmin@kgs.ku.edu
The URL is HTTP://www.kgs.ku.edu/Conferences/MGWC98/index.html