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Geohydrology of Rawlins County

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Logs of Test Holes and Wells

The logs of 36 test holes and one well are given on the pages that follow. The test holes were drilled by the State Geological Survey with a hydraulic-rotary drill rig. The well log was provided by a private driller. Five of the test holes, as noted in the headings, were drilled on or near the county line as a part of earlier studies. The numbering system for test holes and wells is described in an earlier section of this report.

T. 1 S. || T. 2 S. || T. 3 S. || T. 4 S. || T. 5 and 6 S.

1-31-1aa. Sample log of test hole in the NE NE sec. 1, T. 1 S., R. 31 W., 180 feet north of fence line, 40 feet west of road center; drilled June 1952. Surface altitude, 2,891.6 feet; depth to water level, 190.60 feet. Thickness,
Sanborn formation
Peoria silt member
Soil, silty, black 3 3
Silt, fossiliferous, calcareous, gray-geen 14 17
Sand and silt, fine, clayey, tan 21 38
Loveland silt member
Clay, compact, sandy, noncaleareous, brown 4 42
Clay, silty, calcareous, tan 10 52
Ogallala formation
Clay, tan; contains some light-tan, limy and very sandy clay 35.5 87.5
Silt and silty lime, clayey, white; contains some gravel 4.5 92
Clay, sandy, limy, tan to gray 5.5 97.5
Sand, clayey, tan-red to gray 24.5 122
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine gravel 6 128
Sand, fine, cemented, tan-red 21 149
Sand, fine to coarse; contains some gravel, silt and clay 11 160
Clay, sandy, tan-red; contains some coarse sand and fine gravel 12 172
Clay, sandy, light-red; contains a few cemented sand stringers 5 177
Sand, fine, cemented; contains some red sandy clay 8 185
Clay, sandy and limy, tan to white; contains some gravel 7 192
Sand and gravel, fine to coarse, clayey 7 199
Clay, compact, silty, white 20 219
Clay, sandy, light-tan to light-gray; contains a few thin sand stringers 19 238
Pierre shale
Clay to weathered shale, green-gray and yellow 16 254
Shale, clayey, gray 6 260

1-32-12aa. Sample log of test hole in the NE NE sec. 12, T. 1 S., R. 82 W., 150 feet south of the NE cor. sec. 12, 12 feet west of road center; drilled June 1952. Surface altitude, 3,005.2 feet. Thickness,
Road fill 3 3
Sanborn formation
Peoria silt member
Silt, fossiliferous, calcareous, clayey, tan-gray 37 40
Loveland silt member
Silt, blocky, weakly calcareous, brown 1 41
Silt, calcareous, clayey, tan-brown 7 48
Ogallala formation
Clay, calcareous, silty to sandy, light-tan 87 135
Silt, compact, tan-white 3 138
Silt, sandy, red-brown 11 149
Silt, sandy, light-gray and gray-green 5 154
Silt, sandy, red-brown 11 165
Sand, fine to medium, clayey to silty 10 175
Sand, fine to medium, cemented, tan-brown 19 194
Clay, sandy, tan to light-tan 14 208
Sand, fine to medium, clayey, light-tan 20 228
Clay, sandy, light-tan 9 237
Sand, fine to coarse, clayey, tan-brown 9 246
Clay, compact, light-tan 5 251
Sand, fine to coarse, silty 7 258
Sand, cemented; contains a few stringers of tan sandy clay 24 282
Sand and gravel, fine to coarse 4 286
Sand, fine, cemented; contains thin opaline stringers and some green siltstone 2 288
Sand, fine to coarse 4 292
Pierre shale
Shale, clayey, yellow-gray 10 302
Shale, clayey, gray to dark-gray 8 310

1-32-31cc. Sample log of test hole in the SW SW sec. 31, T. 1 S., R. 32 W., 75 feet north of SW cor. sec. 31, 15 feet east of road center; drilled June 1952. Surface altitude, 3,025.5 feet. Thickness,
Road fill 3 3
Sanborn formation
Peoria silt member
Silt, clayey, calcareous, gray-green 29 32
Clay, silty, tan 4 36
Loveland silt member
Clay, compact, silty, weakly calcareous, tan 3 39
Clay, compact, calcareous, light-tan 10 49
Ogallala formation
Clay, sandy, tan 28 77
Clay, very sandy, tan-brown 16 93
Sand, fine to coarse; contains some fine gravel 9 102
Sand, fine to medium, cemented, clayey 11 113
Sand, fine, cemented, light-gray 14 127
Sand, fine, cemented; contains some white limy clay 4 131
Sand, cemented; contains some tan clay 10 141
Sand, medium to fine, cemented, tan-brown 4 145
Sand, fine, cemented 8 153
Clay, blocky, silty, tan-gray 14.5 167.5
Sand and silt, cemented, tan-brown 11.5 179
Clay, silty, tan 30 209
Sand, fine to medium; contains some tan-brown sandy clay 9 218
Sand, fine to coarse, silty 9 227
Pierre shale
Clay to weathered shale, compact, limonite-stained, tan to yellow 10 237
Shale, yellow to gray 9.5 246.5
Shale, clayey, noncalcareous, black 3.5 250

1-32-36cd. Sample log of test hole in the SE SW sec. 36, T. 1 S., R. 32 W., 5 feet west of the center of the south side of sec. 36, 13 feet north of road center; drilled June 1952. Surface altitude, 2,872.8 feet. Thickness,
Road fill 2.5 2.5
Sanborn formation
Peoria silt member
Silt, calcareous, tan-gray 27.5 30
Clay, very silty, calcareous, tan 5 35
Loveland silt member
Clay, weakly calcareous, brown 1.5 36.5
Clay, silty, calcareous, tan 1.5 38
Ogallala formation
Clay, sandy, limy, gray-white 1 39
Silt and fine sand, limy; contains some gravel 10.5 49.5
Sand, fine to medium, cemented, tan-white 16.5 66
Sand, fine to medium, partly cemented; contains some medium to coarse gravel 2 68
Sand, fine to coarse; contains fine to coarse gravel 18 86
Clay, silty, yellow to tan 21 107
Sand, fine, silty, tan-brown 9 116
Clay, compact, tan to yellow 19 135
Sand, fine to medium, silty 6 141
Sand and gravel, fine to coarse; contains some yellow silt 17 158
Gravel, fine to coarse 5 163
Pierre shale
Shale, weathered, light-gray and yellow 5 168
Shale, clayey, noncalcareous, gray to dark-gray 2 170

1-34-31cc. Sample log of test hole in the SW SW sec. 31, T. 1 S., R. 34 W., 20 feet east of the SW cor. sec. 31, Z30 feet north of the road center; drilled June 1952. Surface altitude, 3,189.6 feet. Thickness,
Sanborn formation
Soil, clay, tan-brown 2.5 2.5
Silt, fossiliferous, calcareous, tan to gray 19.5 22
Clay, compact, silty, tan-gray 7 29
Clay, compact, tan-brown 19 48
Clay, silty, calcareous, light-tan 4 52
Clay, silty and sandy, calcareous, tan 60 112
Ogallala formation
Clay and silt, light-tan to white; contains some sand and fine gravel 4 116
Sand, fine to medium, cemented 21 137
Clay, very sandy, light-tan 18 155
Sand, fine to medium, clayey, tan 5 160
Sand, medium to coarse, silty, and fine to coarse gravel 12.5 172.5
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine gravel 25.5 198
Sand, fine to coarse, cemented, light-tan 4 202
Pierre shale
Shale, weathered, yellow and yellow-gray 26 228
Shale, clayey, gray to light-gray 2 230

1-35-1aa. Sample log of test hole in the NE NE sec. 1, T. 1 S., R. 35 W., 0.15 mile west of the NE cor. sec. 1, 8 feet south of road center on top of hill; drilled June 1952. Surface altitude, 3,035.5 feet. Thickness,
Road fill 1.5 1.5
Sanborn formation
Peoria silt member
Clay, compact, dark-brown 1 2.5
Silt, calcareous, tan to gray 14.5 17
Clay, silty, calcareous, tan 26 43
Loveland silt member
Clay, silty, weakly calcareous, tan-brown 6 49
Clay, silty, calcareous, tan 13 62
Ogallala formation
Clay, silty, tan; contains some gravel 5 67
Sand, fine to coarse, silty 1.5 68.5
Clay, sandy, red-brown 3 71.5
Sand and gravel, clayey 3.5 75
Clay, light-red; contains some fine gravel 3.5 78.5
Sand, fine to coarse 2 80.5
Sand, fine, limy, cemented 7.5 88
Sand, fine to coarse, clayey 8 96
Sand and gravel, fine to coarse 7 103
Pierre shale
Shale, weathered, clayey, calcareous, yellow 4.5 107.5
Shale, clayey, noncalcareous, light-gray 1 108.5

1-35-6bb. Saniple log of test hole in the NW NW sec. 6, T. 1 S., R. 35 W., on west side of curving road about 50 feet south of the Kansas-Nebraska state line; drilled June 1952. Surface altitude, 3,229.6 feet. Thickness,
Road fill 3.5 3.5
Sanborn formation
Peoria silt member
Silt, calcareous, tan to gray 31.5 35
Clay, silty, tan; contains some fine sand 15 50
Sand, very fine; and brown calcareous silt 10 60
Clay, calcareous, sandy, tan 5 65
Ogallala formation
Sand and clay, hard, partly cemented 7 72
Sand, clayey, light-tan 8 80
Sand, fine to coarse, silty; contains a few thin clay zones 110 190
Clay, blocky, yellow-green; contains some fine sand 6 196
Sand, fine to coarse; contains some fine gravel 5 201
Sand, coarse, and fine gravel 3 204
Sand, fine to medium, silty, cemented 5 209
Pierre shale
Shale, weathered, clayey, calcareous, yellow 9 218
Shale, dark-gray to black 8 226

1-36-6bb. Sample log of test hole in the NW NW sec. 6, T. 1 S., R. 36 W., on south shoulder of road, at top of hill about 0.15 mile east of the NW cor. of sec. 6; drilled June 1952. Surface altitude, 3,214.4 feet. Thickness,
Road fill 3 3
Sanborn formation
Peoria silt member
Silt, clayey, calcareous, tan to gray 6 9
Silt, calcareous, tan to gray 59 68
Ogallala formation
Sand, fine to coarse 7 75
Clay, sandy, tan-brown 5 80
Clay, compact, tan-brown 3 83
Clay, sandy, light-tan 3 86
Clay, silty, tan-yellow; contains some gravel 15 101
Sand, fine to medium; contains some tan silt 8 109
Sand, very clayey, limy, white 4 113
Pierre shale
Clay, sandy, gray-green 4 117
Shale, weathered, clayey, yellow-gray 19 136
Shale, clayey, dark-gray to black 4 140

T. 1 S. || T. 2 S. || T. 3 S. || T. 4 S. || T. 5 and 6 S.

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Kansas Geological Survey, Geology
Placed on web Nov. 17, 2008; originally published Dec. 1956.
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