High Plains/Ogallala Aquifer Information

The High Plains Aquifer Information Network

Links for Wyoming

Organizations > National/Regional

Bureau of Land Management, Wyoming
administers over 17.5 million acres of public lands and 40.7 million acres of federal mineral estate in Wyoming
Geographic Information Systems
from Bureau of Land Management, Wyoming
Bureau of Reclamation, Great Plains Region
encompasses nine western states,and hundreds of irrigation projects, dams, and other water-supply related facilities
High Plains Regional Climate Center
climate data and maps for High Plains area
Natural Resources Conservation Service, Wyoming
National Water and Climate Center
Agricultural Research Service, Northern Plains Area
research projects in agriculture, nutrition, technology, the environment and other topics
Wyoming Agricultural Statistics Service
agricultural crop and animal statistics
US Environmental Protection Agency Region 8
serving Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming and 27 Tribal Nations
STORET Database Access
water quality data
Surf Your Watershed
watershed data search
from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Fact Sheets (Listed by State)
from U.S. Geological Survey
Ground Water Atlas of the United States: Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming
text and maps on High Plains aquifer in these states
National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program - High Plains Regional Ground Water Study
Water Data for Wyoming (NWISWeb)
Water Resources of Wyoming
Water-Quality Data for Wyoming