KGS Home Page Oil and Gas Index Page Lease Production Page

Production from Kansas Oil and Gas Leases

Production data through November 2024 added February 24, 2025.

This page allows you to search for information on oil and gas leases of Kansas. Currently we have historical production data for many leases in Kansas. You can also investigate production by field name.

In Kansas, Township values vary from 1 in the north to 35 in the south, and the values for Range are from 1-43 West and 1-25 East. Values for Section are 1 to 36. Data are received monthly from the Kansas Department of Revenue.

Enter values for any or all parameters
Section: Township: S., Range: East: or West:
(Enter all or part of a lease name. Case doesn't matter.)
(Enter all or part of an operator name. Case doesn't matter.)
KS Dept. Revenue Code:

You can also try to search for production data by the well's API number.

The file format is the same as that saved from the web pages of individual leases.

Pre-1987 cumulative data and monthly volume data is provided under license agreement to the KGS by IHS Energy. As such, it may be reviewed and used for public service and research purposes. It may not be downloaded or used for purposes of re-packaging, reselling or dissemination to third parties.

Kansas Geological Survey
Comments to
Data from Kansas Dept. of Revenue.