Extracting Lithofacies from Digital Well Logs Using Artificial Intelligence, Panoma (Council Grove) Field, Hugoton Embayment, Southwest Kansas
Kansas Geological Survey
Open-file Report 2003-68

Lithofacies stacking patterns are no mystery. They are vertically stacked in predictable manner due to the migration of lithofacies belts in response to rapid glacial-eustatic SL fluctuation. Council Grove sequences are bounded by exposure surfaces on the marine carbonates. Lithofacies log response is fairly simple and predictable. Having looked at cores and relating core lithofacies to log, one could relate log characteristics of a particular interval back to lithofacies fairly easily, particularly if it is known whether the interval is in the marine or nonmarine portion of the sequence and the relative position within the sequence is known as well. We have developed and employed marine-nonmarine (M-NM) and relative position (RelPos) GCV’s to use with E-Log curves to predict lithofacies with neural networks.

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Last updated January 2004
