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Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report 2005-20

Set of maps for Southwest Kansas Groundwater Management District

John J. Woods and Marios A. Sophocleous
The University of Kansas, Kansas Geological Survey, 1930 Constant Ave., Lawrence, KS 66047

KGS Open File Report 2005-20


Plate 1--Change in Saturated Thickness at Section Centers in the High Plains Aquifer, 2000-2002 to 2003-2005, using data only from wells that have measurements in both periods (1.3 MB)

Plate 2--Percent Change in Saturated Thickness at Section Centers in the High Plains Aquifer, 2000-2002 to 2003-2005 (1.3 MB)

Plate 3--Change in Saturated Thickness at Section Centers in the High Plains Aquifer, 1989-1991 to 1999-2001, using data only from wells that have measurements in both periods (1.4 MB)

Plate 4--Percent Change in Saturated Thickness at Section Centers in the High Plains Aquifer, 1989-1991 to 1999-2001 (1.3 MB)

Plate 5--Change in Saturated Thickness at Section Centers in the High Plains Aquifer, 1979-1981 to 1999-2001, using data only from wells that have measurements in both periods (1.3 MB)

Plate 6--Percent Change in Saturated Thickness at Section Centers in the High Plains Aquifer, 1979-1981 to 1999-2001 (1.3 MB)

Plate 7--Depth to Water at Section Centers in the High Plains Aquifer, Averaged 2003, 2004, and 2005 data (1.4 MB)

Plate 8--2003, 2004, 2005 Averaged Saturated Thickness at Section Centers in the High Plains Aquifer (1.4 MB)

Plate 9--Kansas Water Plan Priority Groundwater Decline Areas, Southwest Kansas GMD #3 (1.1 MB)

To read these files, you will need the Acrobat PDF Reader, available free from Adobe.

Kansas Geological Survey, Geohydrology
Placed online May 26, 2006
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