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SurfSeis© software was developed at the Kansas Geological Survey to process seismic data using the multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) method. Obtain shear-wave velocity (Vs) with depth (z) estimates using SurfSeis.

Surface waves have historically been the bane of near-surface reflection seismologists. With the development of MASW at the KGS has come an explosion in research and use of the MASW method for application to engineering, groundwater, and environmental problems. Scientists from around the world have shown the utility of surface waves as signal rather than noise.

Currently shipping SurfSeis 6++

We are currently shipping Version 6++; see the Ver. 6 Flyer (PDF file, 1.5 MB) for details. You can also view the Ver. 5 Flyer (PDF file, 641 kB), Ver. 5 info sheet (PDF file, 124 kB), Ver. 4 Flyer (PDF file, 2 MB), or the Ver. 3 Flyer (PDF file, 353 KB). See How to order SurfSeis for ordering information.


We offer a 20-hour (four hours a day for five days) SurfSeis/MASW workshop for anyone interested in learning about the MASW technique or our SurfSeis software. There is no registration fee for workshops. Workshops are scheduled based on interest and instructor availability.

The following workshops are scheduled for 2025:

    In-house/in-person workshops at the KGS:

  • April 2-4, 2025. Please note: this is a 2 1/2 day workshop

Additional info...

  • Workshops tend to fill quickly, so register early.
  • Small workshop size, e.g., 10-12 for in-house, 18-20 for online.
  • To attend an online workshop, you need to have SurfSeis 6
  • To attend an inhouse workshop you do not need to have SurfSeis 6./li>
  • If the current workshop is full, let us know to include you in our next workshop.

Send an email to to request the workshop information email and a registration form. If there is more than one workshop available, please state the date of your preferred workshop. If there is no workshop currently available, you will be notified via email when the next workshop is scheduled.

Windows 8 and 10

If you're having issues with Windows 8 and 10 and the HASP drivers (which control the HASP dongle), please visit our FAQ for help in installing the latest drivers.